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I walked out of the room with Michael and he led me to his bedroom. He was about to sit on the bed but I stopped him.

"I don't think you should sleep on that". I stated

"Why". He asked

"I seen a couple in here and no telling what they did".

"Your right". He stated he walked over and packed a over night bag.

I grabbed his hand and we walked out to my car. I drove us back to my apartment and we immediately walked to my room. Joey and his mother were still in the same position they were when I left. They must be catching up on a lot.

"What are you going to do about your house?". I asked

"I'm going to call a cleaning crew, and go back in the morning". He stated

"I can't believe you would honestly think I'd cheat on you". I said while sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I wasn't thinking straight, but you could have mentioned you were with someone's father, maybe I wouldn't have jumped to such a high conclusion". He stated sitting next to me.

"Maybe you should learn to trust". I looked deep into his eyes.

"Maybe". He smiled with a stupid smirk.

"I'm not joking, you can't go your whole life thinking everyone is lying to you, it's madness".

"I'll work on it just for you". He smiled sweetly

"Netflix time". I cheered smiling at his last statement. "What to watch, what to watch". I asked myself out loud.

"Do you always talk to yourself". He blurted

"Only when there is nobody else interesting to talk to". I joked.

"Oh I'm not interesting, I have to be interesting to you for you to want to come after me". He teased.

"Oh shut the heller up". I laughed.

I laid back on my bed and picked one of the girliest shows I could think of right now. It was all tied between either.....

(Btw I know that this story is taking place in like maybe 2014 because I'm talking about all his old movies but I'm still going to pull TV shows and movies from right now (2018) because I can thanks).

It was all tied between "All the boys I ever loved" and "The Kissing Booth". But I didn't tell Michael that I just let him sit there clueless to the girly movies we will be watching.

I played "All the boys I ever loved". He looked up and then looked at me. "Really Auriel, why this".

"Um, cause I want to and because I can". I laughed

"No you can't". He leaned over to grab the remote but I pulled away.

"Not so fast- WOAH". He lifted my entire body and dropped me back down on the bed making the remote fall out my hand. He scurried over and grabbed the remote.

"Now we watch what I wanna". He smirked

"Michael". I whined. "MICHAEL". I whined a lot louder.

"Yeah Baby". He looked over.

"Can we Please watch my movie... PLEASE". I whined and begged. I grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and lightly tugged. I gave him my innocent look, the one where I open my eyes wide and make my eyes glossy.

"Don't look at me like that". He stated looking away. I turned his face to look at me and I stuck my bottom lip out.

"Please... Pretty Please".

"Ugh... Fine". He handed me the remote.

"YAY". I jumped on his lap and straddled his waist. "Thank you". I kissed his cheek a million times.

I played the movie I wanted to watch and he got really interested in it. After it was over I heard someone knock at the door of the apartment. I walked out and went to answer it, when I pulled back the door it revealed Mr. Matthews. I panicked and slammed the door, and turned around.


He looked up from his mother with a smile.

"Yes Best".

"Your dad's here". His smile soon faded into a frown as he heard what I said. He didn't do anything or even respond so I turned and opened the door allowing him inside. "Hello Mr. Matthews". I greeted him and walked over sitting next to Joey.

"Hello Auriel, Cheryl, son".

"Not your son". Joey spoke under his breath. I heard it and I nudged his arm.

"So who is this young gentleman right here, he's a man of color isn't he". He said with a smirk.

"Was that a racist comment". Joey spoke up.

"No..I". He was cut off by Joey.

"That's Auriel's man okay and I don't appreciate the racism that's been flying out your mouth.. SIR". Joey snapped at his father.

I walked over to Michael placing a hand on his shoulder. He pulled my other arm and engulfed me in a hug. I stayed there and we just stood and hugged.

"Such a beautiful couple except for the fact that you almost let her go.. like a simpleton". He said with a high class tone.

I noticed all of sudden Mr. Matthews was wearing a full suit and tie. He didn't look like a guy who lived in a dusty motel anymore.

I looked up at Michael who's facial features changed from chill to upset.

"Yo who the fuck are you to comment on our business". Michael blurted.

"I'm just saying, if I had a girl like that I wouldn't treat her the way you did".

"Ayo man shut the fuck up". Michael yelled

"MICHAEL". I put my hands on his chest and kept him from walking any closer towards Mr. Matthews. "Mr. Matthews you need to calm yourself down a bit". I gave him a glare.

"Of course". He lightly bent down bowing to me.

"Why are you dressed like that?". I asked

"I wanted my son to know something special about me, and I came here to finally tell him the real news that I kept from even you Miss Auriel".

"And that is?". I questioned

"I'm not really poor". He chuckled

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