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Once at a corner Joey and I switched places in the car. I pulled up outside Joey's house and dropped him off.

"Are you gonna be okay Joey". I questioned

"Yes bitch I can handle myself when I need be, but just in case I come by your house have the snacks ready".

I laughed and pulled out his driveway. As I was heading to Michael's house he placed his hand on my shoulder and said "I don't want to go home right now".

I looked at his hand then back on the road.

"Well I...I guess you can come to my place".

He lightly smiled and I drove to my house.
When I walked in I pointed towards the living room and ran upstairs to my moms room.

"Mom, Michael is here". I announced

"Michael that boy your tutoring Michael". She asked

"Yeah, can he stay he is having.....troubles right now".

"Uh". I could see in her eyes, she was hesitant about her answer. I waited with anticipation, until she choked out "Sure".

I ran up to her and jumped attacked her with hugs.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you". I cheered

I placed a kiss on her cheek and ran out the room. Downstairs Michael was sitting on the couch waiting my arrival.

"Hey, Mike".

"Mike?" He laughed



Michael Jordan is really in my house right now. I can't believe it, he is staying a while I'm in total shock right now. Okay Auriel keep it cool.


I sat down on the far end of the couch, not wanting to be to close.

"Thanks for letting me come over I hope I'm not overstaying my welcome". He spoke

"No.. of course not". Little did he know I wanted him here forever. Not to sound over creepy or anything.

After a while of sitting on the couch I felt a pain on my cheek.

"Ow". I said aloud

Michael looked over at me, I was holding my cheek. His removed my hand from my cheek and wiped something. He faced his palm towards me and his fingers were covered in a red substance.

I got right off my place on the couch and I ran to the bathroom. Michael came right after me, and he helped me clean my wound.

That bitch Miranda must have fucking scratched me. Her stupid ass acrylic nails, fake ass bitch.

I let Michael lightly cleaned the blood off my face. In my head so many lights went off I couldn't believe any of this was actually happening.

I wanted to attack this boy right now with my love, but that would just make everything weird. I walked out the bathroom taking the dirty wash cloth out his hand. I threw it into the washroom and walked into the living room.

"Do you wanna watch TV". I asked

"We can". He responded. I grabbed the remote and I turned on Netflix.

"What do you watch".

"Anything's cool". He smiled

"I'm not sure you want to say that to me, I'll end up playing some girly drama story". I lightly giggled

"That's cool, it's your place".

So basically we spent the rest of the afternoon binge watching Gossip Girl. He was really cool, and from time to time he would apologize about Miranda and such. The clock struck 8 and Michael got a call.

"Hey Mom". He said gently. "Yeah I'm safe I'm at a friends, okay okay bye Mom".

"Momma Donna". I asked

"Yeah". He chuckled

"So your staying". I questioned

"If that's cool with you, I don't want to be a burden". He said pleadingly

"No, no worries it's all good, we'll imma go to bed before it gets late, you know school tomorrow".

"Yeah I understand, and thanks again for letting me stay, you got my mind off Miranda".

"Your welcome Mike".

All these comments are so funny I love them all they make my day.

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