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Graduation day, I can't believe I got this far. Out of all my years of high school I never really thought about things up to this point. I'm actually graduating! I'm becoming an adult!


No mother to hold my hand threw life anymore I'm all on my own now. I have to be brave as I'm being thrown into this harsh thing we all call life. Knowing I'm going to face a few curveballs I gotta take life head on and grab it firmly and live my life.


Crossing the stage was one of the highlights of the day. Saying goodbye to all my fellow friends which didn't hurt as much as I thought. They didn't really talk to me much anyways. The only goodbye that was hard was with Joey.

Me and Joey weren't really saying a goodbye we were actually saying a see you soon. Joey was my best friend there is no way that I was going to let him slip away from me. We already had each others everything. Snapchat messenger, phone numbers, instagrams any and everything we needed to keep in touch.

The best part was just as I thought Joey was about to leave me he pulled another one of his surprises on me. "Joey what's going on". I questioned

After walking the stage and meeting with me parents and Joey's older brother Joey blind folded me and brought me into the parking lot and drove me somewhere.

I didn't know where we were headed as Joey didn't mention anything. The car came to a sudden stop and I looked around as if I could actually see something.

The blindfold was removed from my eyes as I got out the car. We were infront of a beautiful looking apartment complex. Standing there waiting was my mother, father, little sisters, Michael and Jamila.

"Joey's what's going on". I asked again

"You know how you were sad to leave me". He said confidently

"Yeah" I said

He pulled my wrist towards him and placed a pair of keys in my hand. I looked down at the keys then back up at Joey.


I pulled him into a giant hug and I sobbed in his shirt, full of happy tears. He hugged back rubbing my back.

"This is amazing Joey, I can't believe you".

"You are my bitch I can't live life without you what did you think I was going to let you live your life without me". He laughed. "I think the fuck not". He added

I laughed and wrapped him up in a hug again, squeezing him tight.

"This is the best graduation present ever, thank you Joey". I was still hugging him

"Like I said best, I love you. We in this game called life together, me and you against the world". He said aloud while still hugging me

"I know Joey, I got your back and you got mine".

"Together in life we both gotta shine". We both in unison.

Me and Joey had this little rhyme me made up when we first met. It was kinda our Best friend vows. We were closer than any best friends in any high school.

Later on that day after everyone went home, Joey and I snuggled into our apartment. He showed me to my room and to my surprise it was set up in a semi exact way my old room was. All my clothes have been brought here, and my bed, everything.

"Joey how did you do this". I questioned

"Michael, your dad and my brother moved all the big heavy things. I basically just helped your mom with the clothes". He admitted

"Way to be manly Joey". I joked

"Bitch I'm gay, if I don't want to I dont't have to be manly". He snapped back in a jokingly manner

I plopped down on my bed and looked at my room. My room living with my mom was already huge and this one was just larger. With all this space I didn't know what to do with myself. But with Joey around I'm sure he will be able to keep me company.

I laid back in my bed thinking all about graduation just hours ago.


It was time for me to walk the stage my name was about to be called. Awaiting my name was so much stress built up on my shoulders.

It was like a weight invisible to everyone else and only I can feel. Sweat trickling down my neck as the closer they got to my name the harder the sweat started to fall.

Once my name was called my heels clicked on the floor harshly as I tried to keep my balance. I walked over grabbed the principals hand and took my diploma. I looked into the crowd seeing my parents and their proud faces.

I walked right off to the other side of the stage and waited for all the names to be called. Joey came a few students after me and I was so proud. He found his way next to me and hugged me while still on stage.

I gave a little twerk, and I could hear the kids around me hype me up. Eventually a lot more girls started twerking along with me. After the last name was called all hats were thrown in the air and I began twerking fully.

A few girls chimed in with me and there was literally a dance party on the stage. We all cleared out on stage and I walked down to my parents. My mother was talking with Mrs. Donna. I walked over to my mother placing a kiss on her cheek then to Momma D and placed a kiss on her cheek as well.

"My baby graduated with flying colors. I'm so proud of you Auriel". My mother said to me hugging me and kissing my forehead.

"Thank you mommy". I said sweetly

Flashback over

Laying in bed looking up enjoying everything that happened hours ago. I'm now a high school graduate and I was looking for jobs we no longer looking. A few places had already given me the okay that they wanted me to work with them.

I applied to ice cream parlors, fast food restaurants things as such as that. The few months that came after that were a lot more upsetting then I thought they should have been.

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