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Over the course of 5 months Michael and I took turns visiting Auriel, watching over her. It sucked seeing her like that, since she was so weak her body wasn't healing fast. She still had her bruises and the dried blood on her body. Her wrists and ankles looked terrible swollen.

And as much as the time went on I tried to keep hope. I kept hope in my heart but it was slowly fading away.

I didn't believe that she was ever going to wake up. It's been 5 long lonely months, I haven't uploaded any YouTube video. I did record some things, I made a video and edited it but I didn't have the heart or guts to post it.

The video did address the situation with Auriel and what happened. I just couldn't post it. I know our supporters deserve to know I just wasn't ready for it to be out.

4 Months later

9 full months since Auriel has even been awake. The YouTube video about her was published for all to see. After almost a year they deserve to know what's happened to their beloved YouTuber. A new trending hashtag on instagram has occurred.


Everyone posted their favorite picture of her, and it's been like that for about 2 months now. All down my timeline were pictures of her. On Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat. I couldn't look anywhere without seeing her smiling face.

It comforted me, it was nice seeing her smile. I haven't seen her smile live in 9 months. I missed her terribly but seeing this made me smile for the first time in months. I missed everything about her she brightened up my entire world and she is laying in a hospital bed and I don't know what's going on in her head.

I wished for so long for her to wake up and I will forever wait. It's been 9 months and I didn't want to pull the plug on her. I wanted to keep it on her for as long as possible and I didn't have no plan on taking her off life support. I watched her lay in the bed in the same position for the last 9 months not a muscle or a hair out of place.

I watched over her day and night I felt partly responsible for my best-friend being sucked in a coma. I talked to her everyday saying sweet things in her ear and keeping her up to date on YouTube and everything that's been going on without her.

"Auriel your channel boosted like 2 million since you were gone. Yeah your at 22 million now, big celebrity. Things are really going places for you, I can't wait until your back up and healed. Your are to amazing to be here right now please return to me best-friend".

It was now Michael's turn to be with her and he spent hours there in her hospital room, I'm serious when I say that neither of us really slept, Michael's movie That Awkward Moment came out and it did well, we didn't actually see the full cut since Michael skipped his whole premiere just to watch sit Auriel.

I barely ate, slept or did anything other than shower then go back and watch her.

3 Months Later

It's been a year now and nothing has changed a whole year went by like that, it close to her birthday again. About in one more week she will be 22 and I can't believe she is going to miss it I just hopes she wakes soon.

One day I walked into the hospital with Michael and we each decided it was time to pull the plug on Auriel, it's been a year and she didn't seem to be getting better.

We stood there in her hospital bedroom saying our final goodbyes, I just couldn't believe that I really am saying goodbye. I thought I was going to get to experience everything with her.

Marriage, having kids, raising them. But I guess I will never be able to do that now, now that she is officially about to be gone.

"I'm sorry Auriel I failed you as a bestfriend and I wish I would have done better nobody can replace you and I won't ever forget you. I Love you Auriel, we will reunited soon".

Michael stepped up in front of me and looked down upon her, tears fell down his eyes and I felt for him. I know he fucked up but he was loosing Auriel and he seemed to care more about her then anything right now.

"Auriel I love you and I'm sorry for what happened and I can never repay you for what you helped me through and I'm terribly sorry for what I put you through. This shouldn't have happened to you of all people, I love you and I will forever, and I'm sorry".

After we said our goodbyes the nurses walked over to the machine. Michael went on one side of her body and I was on the other. Michael held the right hand and I held the left, the nurse turned off the life support and the noise on the monitor. The flat line noise rang through my ears as I really had to let my best- friend go forever.

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