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Me and Jamila talked for 1 hour until it was time for me to tutor her brother. I can never understand how she doesn't know I have the biggest crush on her brother. Her little brother, ugh it's killing me not to tell her.

I walked out her room and into the living room. Tutoring Michael was kind of easy, we worked on that packet we were handed yesterday and he blew threw a whole page with ease.

"Michael your really good". I said shocked. He looked up at me smiled and looked back down at the paper."How come you don't act this way in class".

"I don't know, I guess I just get caught up with my friends". He admitted.


Hearing him say 'friends' is hurting my heart. Here I am sitting in his face knowing his girlfriend cheated on him and this is how I act. I feel like I just stabbed myself in the heart.


So many thoughts are running through my head like the video. That's when I realized...I knew the guy in the video. The guy in the video was Jackson Michael's closes friend.

I can't believe I didn't realize this earlier. Jackson was the video guy. I started shaking and getting jittery.

"Are...are you okay... Auriel, I'll get you some water".

He ran out the room and I calmed down. I leaned back and relaxed on the chair next to the couch. Michael ran back into living room and handed me the glass of water. I held it in my hands and looked at him.

"Thanks Michael". I said nervously. I can't believe what I just realized.

I was to nervous to drink, I set the water down on a coaster on the coffee table.

I got up and walked to the bathroom down the hall. I washed my face and walked back in the living room. Michael was holding my phone, and he looked up at me disappointment in his eyes.

"What is this". He questioned looking at me suspense and his eyes.

I didn't respond I just walked over to him and tried to grab my phone but he moved my phone away.

"What. Is. This. AURIEL". He said louder

"What is what Michael". I yelled getting a little angry.

He played the video and showed it to me.
It was the video of Jackson and Miranda having sex. And his facial expression didn't change it was anger with slight sadness.

"I...it... it's a". I tried to explain but I couldn't help but stutter.

"No I know what it is, how come you didn't tell me". He seemed more disappointed than upset.

"I..because I didn't know about it until yesterday". I finally choked out. "HOW COULD I TELL YOU HUH, oh hey Michael ready for tutoring, oh and yeah your girlfriend is cheating on you". I said with slight irritation

I reached up snatched my phone out his hands and stormed out the front door. Michael came after me and hurried to my car. I jumped in my car and shoved the car in the ignition. Michael jumped in the passenger seat before I got to lock the door.

"Michael get out". I yelled

"No". He yelled back at me

My phone rang and it was Joey FaceTiming me. I answered the call and I could see he was still at the school running.

"What's going on Joey". I asked concerned

"Them Jocks they are coming after me HELP ME".

The call cut out and dropped my phone

"Michael get out I have to go".

"By the looks of it you don't have time to argue with me now DRIVE".

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