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I hopped into bed and just laid there awaiting for sleep to take over. Laying there just thinking about everything that happening. Our junior year is almost over and we are so close to graduating. I thought about everything, I don't know why school came up maybe because we have to go tomorrow.

Best part is next week is the last week of school. I don't have to worry about seeing all the fake girls lying people heartbreaker and terrible amounts of homework for months.


I woke up Michael sleeping next to me. I hopped out of bed and got in the shower. Washing my hair and body. I took two towels to dry my body and hair. I combed my curls and threw on my outfit.

I walked out and into the bedroom shaking Michael awake

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I walked out and into the bedroom shaking Michael awake. He groaned before opening his eyes.

"Shower time it's the last day of school c'mon". I said excitedly

He laughed and got out of bed grabbing some clothes and walking towards the shower. I waited on the bed for 20 minutes scrolling through Instagram when I head the shower turn off.

"Ready". I called out.

"Yeah come on". He yelled back. I got off the bed, grabbing my Charger earbuds putting them in my backpack. I walked out the bedroom and down the stairs.

"Are you driving or me". I questioned

"I am, like I have been". He chuckled

"Let's go then chauffeur". I walked out the front door feeling a hand on my bottom. I turned gave him a sharp looked and continued walking to the car. He drove us to school and parked in the normal parking space.

"Lets get ready for the last day of school, get happy get excited c'mon". I said basically jumping in my seat.

He laughed at me and a smile formed on his lips.

"So Michael what you wanna do after high school".

"I don't know acting maybe". He shrugged his shoulders

"Me to, and dancing". I said chuckling

"You should try singing" he said laughing

"S...singing?" I questioned

"I heard you in the shower, you have a actual voice". He smiled

"T...thanks". Even after this week spent with Michael I still get nervous around him.

After all this time he never actually asked me to date him. So I have no idea where we stand or what we are. He mentions me as a friend to his friends so I guess I'm just a friend that he occasionally kisses and treats like a girlfriend.

It confused me so bad but I was to nervous to even ask. I just went along with whatever and kept it to myself not knowing that would end up going south for me.

The school day went by quickly and I actually got some time to hang with Jamila and Joey which felt like normal. One thing that didn't was that I haven't told Joey anything about Michael and what has happened the last week of my life.

Im not going into details of summer vacation because for a teen it's just the normal. Travel with the fam or hang with friends or summer school. Nothing dramatic about that. So we are basically going to go straight into the near end of senior year for the kids.

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