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Michael followed me into the bedroom and went through his bag grabbing some bottoms.

Well he was searching for clothes for him I went through my drawer picking out something I would wear tonight. I decided on normal plain basketball shorts and top. I changed in my giant closet but when I came out Michael was changing his bottoms. He was facing sideways so I can see his briefs and his little friend in front. Or should I say NOT little.

I'm not gonna lie I did for a second look. I thought when boys were on soft they were supposed to be not big. He was on soft and he still was huge. Now imagine him on hard. He would kill a girl.

After my little looking moment was over I hurried and went deeper into closet. Not want to feel like a creep for any longer. Then I knocked on the door from the inside and said.

"Michael is it safe for me to come out yet?"

I could hear a faint chuckle then a "Yeah" I walked out the closet and went straight to my side of the bed that I was still shook that I was sharing.

"I wonder why I'm sharing my bed".

He made a puppy dog face and that's when I knew he was about to start saying some bull.

"I just got cheated on and I need some comfort". He faked whined

"I've been comforting you ever since it happened".

"Well you knew about it and didn't tell me so you basically have to make it up to me". He chuckled

"I only knew for a day, you act like I wasn't going to tell you".

"Why didn't you tell me when you first found out". He got on my bed staring at me of so intensively

"Joey convinced me not to he said I would be doing it for the wrong reasons".

"What wrong reasons". I didn't know what to say at this point. Oh I couldn't really tell you cause it would look like jealously because I had a crush on you this entire time and it would have looked like I wanted this to happen.

"I..... I um".

He lifted his hand to my face and rubbed my cheek with this thumb.

"Calm down I'm not mad that you didn't tell me right away.. okay".

I nodded my head and blinked away the tears that were about to come out.

"It's time for you to take a nap". He said making me laugh

"Me? Take a nap? Yeah right youngster".

"Hey we are the same age". He replied

"So what your still a baby". I shrugged my shoulders

He lightly tickled me and I squealed and started to move away. He pulled me by my legs towards him and started tickling harder.

"M...Michael... Stopppp". I whined

"Not until you apologize".

"F....For wh....what". I said in breaths

"Calling me a baby". He was still tickling me and I was hard to say the words

"S...stop so I c...can". He stopped tickling me and I pushed him away running to the bathroom. I tried to push the door closed but he got there and stopped it from closing. "Get out the way Michael". I chuckled

"Not until you apologize". He pushed the door wide open and allowed himself in. He turned locked the door and faced me.

"No... let me out" I said pointing towards the door.

"Apologize". He demanded

"Never". I said my eyes narrow. He grabbed me in one swift motion and threw me over his shoulder. He unlocked the door and walked back to my bedroom. I was thrown on the bed and he hovered over me and continued tickling me. "Ok ok I'm sorry". I said laughing loudly. He got off me and flopped down on the bed.

"That's all I wanted". He looked over at me

"You are so childi-"

"I wouldn't finish that sentence I'm a very good punishment giver".

"Okay okay". I turned over on the bed grabbing the Netflix remote.

"How about we do something else tonight". Michael suggests

"Like?" I questioned

"Truth or Dare". He said quickly

"What are you five?"

"Are you chicken". He was challenging me, and to make it worse it was working.

"We just saw a Truth or Dare movie tonight I'm not playing that game". I said in a serious tone

"Random questions then". He said quickly

"Ugh Fine". I had finally succumb to his little game.

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