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I sat with Michael until Amy got tired enough to finally join us at the bars edge. We had some good time talking before I heard a loud banging noise come from the entrance of the club. Looks like someone was mad they couldn't get in. They were packing, they looked to have weapons under their clothes.

I was getting quite scared, and my fear shot up when I heard a gunshot. I got so scared Michael shot up out the chair and stood. I grabbed his arms and squeezed them tightly.

The men took strides forward towards the people in the back. I got even more scared at they got closer. I was standing out in the open now, shaking in fear not knowing what to do about this.

I watched as a black cold steel gun was placed upon me. They were at a distance and I almost tear'd up. He didn't have no mercy as he pulled the trigger to his gun. I shut my eyes right awaiting the pain and the blood to trickle down from where ever the bullet hit.

I opened my eyes after a few seconds when nothing happened. I looked down and checked myself but their was nothing. I looked down and seen Amy on the floor, a little blood on the middle of her whole body.

The blood start off in a little puddle but then it spread across her entire shirt. I dropped to my knees pressing on her wound. Her blood covered my hands. I panicked and I was terrified.

"Amy, no look at me Amy. DON'T YOU DARE CLOSE YOUR EYES!" I cried and slapped her face. Her eyes were droopy and I feared the worse. I pushed on her wound harder, I couldn't bare the thought of losing her. Not when she jumped in front of me and saved my life. "AMY! Please don't do this stay with me now". I was begging her to hold into life. "Amy don't go" I cried.

Red and blue lights shined from the outside paramedics took Amy out my cradling grasp and carefully slid her on the gurney to take her out. I was left on the floor with her blood on my clothes and hands. My tears ruining my clothes and face.

Steelo went with Amy as I was to broken down to even see her like that. Michael escorted me off the floor and walked me back to the hotel. My legs started to buckle under me as we walked home.

He picked me up bridal style and carried me the rest of the way to the hotel. He had a nice amount of trouble getting me to the hotel bedroom.

He placed me down right on the bed as I sat there sitting up. I was frozen in place I didn't know what to do or how to react to anything of that, that just happened I was terribly scared.

Amy could be dead, or alive and in pain. It was kinda my fault, she stepped in to save me. If she lives through this I will owe her the world. If not for her I probably wouldn't be able to see the world right now. It would have been me on the floor coughing up my own blood.

A tear slipped from my eye and slid down my cheek. Falling from the bottom of my chin to my shirt below. More tears followed, going around my nose and also hitting my shirt.

Michael walked back out the bathroom, he took one glance at me and ran towards me engulfing me in a hug.

"It's not your fault". He cooed. "It could have just as easily happened to someone else".

"It's someone's fault Michael". I said through my tears, a few slipping into my mouth.

"Yeah the guy who pulled the trigger, not you. She did what she did for a reason, all you can do is thank her and comfort her". I looked up at him and continued to cry.

I looked down at my lap to my blood stained shirt and hands. Michael lifted me up and pulled me into the bathroom. He took my hands as if I were a child and forced them together and rubbed them under the water.

I took my elbow and nudged him off and continued to wash my hands myself. His arms just trailed my waist holding me.

He then removed my shirt and pants placing me in the tub that he has ran. He sat if the edge of the tub and watched me as I played in the suds. I looked from the soapy water to him and raised my hands to the bottom of his shirt.

I gave him innocent eyes as I tugged his shirt. He smiled lightly as me and removed my hands.

"Does my queen want it off". He questioned

I nodded softly and he removed his shirt. "Join me". I said

He took into action removing his clothes and sitting at the back of the tub. He pulled me to sit in between his legs and I leaned back my head crashing into his chest.

Usually I would put my hair up so it wouldn't touch the water but right now I didn't care. The tips of my hair were submerged in water as I traced circles on his torso.

I ignored everything but the slight sounds of water movement and his steady breaths. I shook a little when I seen faint red water surround our bodies. His hand was on my shoulder calming me down. He rubbed lightly, letting all my nerves go, I relaxed.

"Thank you Michael". I breathed out softly.

"Don't thank me for caring for you. It's not really a job when I love doing it".

I smiled a wide smile. I looked up and stared into his brown eyes. We were so close that we could have kissed but neither of us made a move. I wanted to lean in but not ruin the relaxing mood we were currently in.

His lips formed into a smile and he leaned forward gently kissing me. My arm snaked its way to his neck, my hand caressing his face.

I pulled away before this led to something else, I mean we were already naked. He washed me up and helped me out the tub, I hurriedly grabbed a towel to cover my body.

He walked me into the bedroom and got dressed while I sat on the bed opposite of him not even changing out my towel. He walked up next to me in his pjs and handed me a giant shirt.

"You wanna wear this". He handed me one of his black T-shirt's. He knew me so well, so I nodded taking the shirt in my hands and slipping it over my body. Then pulled the towel from underneath.

Going to sleep that night wasn't impossible, but it was sure as hell difficult. So before bed I decided to do something's to get my mind off the shooting.

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