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A few months into college, I decided to take double majors. One in acting and another in writing. It made things hard to have double majors but I managed. With my majors, I had a lot of essays to bring home as homework.

I stayed up countless nights writing essays. On multiple counts I didn't even sleep. Bags under my eyes so big they could carry things for me.

The essays were longer and harder then in high school. But it wasn't much more of a challenge, I always liked writing essays. But having to come home and write a 10 page essay a night wasn't something that I was used to.

Michael and I haven't been in close contact. Right after graduation we used to call and FaceTime everyday until he kind of disappeared from my life. I kinda considered it a breakup even though neither of us discussed it.

I guess it really was just a little high school fling. I was kind of hurt over it even though I wouldn't show it. I was constantly asked by Joey and classmates if I was okay and of course they all got the same answer "I'm fine". Which I totally wasn't but why make everyone else worry with my problems that I was carrying from high school.

I was walking down the hall of the college my purse bag clinging to my side. I didn't have classes all morning making doing homework a little easier. Right in the afternoon I walked right into my creative writing class.

I handed my freshly typed essay which I kept crisp in my folder making sure it didn't get the slightest crease in the paper. The professor smiled taking the paper from my hands. The feeling of emptiness taking over my hands as the paper left my hands.

I took my place in my seat in the back of the class. I was actually happy to be in the classes I was. I dominated every class I was in, not only because I seemed to get everything but I always gave my best efforts.

Acting class was my hardest class but I still shocking excelled in it. It was difficult only because I always doubted myself. But my professor always told me that I was doing better than everyone else in the class which eventually built my self esteem.

About 6 months into college I had a few more months to go before I was able to put my college skills to use.

I was walking down the hall towards my apartment after my long day of school. When I tried to unlock the door, it was pulled open before I even got the key in the lock.

I was pulled inside by the arms of Joey and the door slammed shut. I heard the door being locked. I turned my full body, and looked at Joey with a icy glare.

"What is this about, I have to get ready for work". I groaned

I walked into my room picking up my uniform. I decided while at college I decided to work at a clothing store. I was in my room changing while Joey sat comfortably in the middle of my bed.

"I wanna go see this new movie, and when was the last time you did something other then work or study". He waved his hands around.

"I don't know". I said sliding my work shirt on. "I don't really have time for it anymore". I slid my pants over my legs warming my legs up as the fabric grazed over my skin.

"Auriel all you do is work and study you were never this uptight in high school". He whined.

"I also didn't have bills to pay and careers that I wanted to accomplish back then either". I explained. I walked over to him, sitting beside him on the bed, looking at his saddened eyes. "Look, I understand I haven't been like I used to but, you got to understand back then I had someone paying for everything I had, now I have to get it on my own. And that means giving up my free time to make money until I'm able to live comfortably and get my dream job". I said sympathetically, hoping he'd understand our current situation.

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