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He gave me his address, he lived in a old shabby wilting inn. I parked the car in a parking space and contemplated going in.


Why am I second guessing myself I did this I brought myself here. Might as well finish what I started


I got out the car and closed the door making sure all the windows were up and doors locked. This area didn't look too friendly and this wasn't the place for someone like me to be wearing such revealing clothes.

I walked up to the inn and opened the rusty door. I felt disgusted as my hand touched the door, it was all bad. I'm not spoiled don't get me wrong but this wasn't even fit for human life to live in.

When I stepped in all the semi clean air was replace with dusty air. The particles in the air were so thick that they were visible. I waved my hands slightly choking.

There was a chubby man at the front desk. His stomach out and protruding. I slowly walked over to the desk and seen he was watching a video his hand slightly moving under the desk, as I walked closer to asked him a question I backed up in disgust.

"Ewww... OH MY GOD". I screamed

"Hey...hey hunny calm down you alright". His voice jagged and he smelt of cigarettes.

"Hey I um...... I'm looking for ugh... Keith Matthews". I choked out.

He held out his hand , I guess he wanted me to shake his hand. I looked down and just stared at it.

"Oh okay no hand shake I guess". He coughed out. "He has room 5". He coughed after his sentence allowing me pass him.

I walked in a fast walk slow run kind of way, I can't believe he was touching himself in a public area. To a video monitor of the hotel, I just hope I wasn't on it at the time.

I took the stairs, I avoided the elevator, I mean this whole place looked run down I'm not going to end up in a elevator and stuck here.

Every step I took on the stairs creaked. I stepped on the last stair to the top and my foot fell through the stair. Good think I had a pair of. 1460 boots on so it didn't scratch me. I tried to pull my leg out but I wasn't strong enough.

I was so focused on my leg I didn't notice that someone was coming to help me. Some hands grabbed my leg and yanked it out the hole setting me free.

"Hey, Thank yo-" I looked up and I met with Keith.

"You came, you actually came". He sounded shocked. "Come in". He motioned behind him, which was a open door.

I was scared for what I would find. I stepped in with caution and looked around. It was just one room little thing. My apartment I was living in right now has three bedrooms, I kinda felt bad for him. I can't let my emotions run me over this time. I turned around when he closed the door.

"Don't be scared I'm not keeping you here". He chuckled

"I'm not scared". I spoke with a straight face.

"Okay". He said calmly as he went to sit on the bed. As he sat on the bed dust flew in the air. I choked a little as he barely was fazed by any of the dust.

"What...the... h...heck". I choked, waving huge amounts of hair out my face.

"Lots of dust in this place you get use to it". He shrugged his shoulders.

"Look, I just have a few simple questions and I can leave, I don't want to be here any longer than I have to". I stated still waving dust out my face.

"Go ahead and ask".

"Why did you leave them, they had nothing. They were kids Mr. Matthews kids. And you left them like they weren't your own, why would you do that". I shook my head slightly

"I... I was a kid. I had children at the young age of barely 30 mid 20's . I didn't know how to raise children I didn't know anything. So I left the kids with Cheryl".

"Cheryl?". I questioned

"The boys mother. I don't know where she is or if she is even alive but she tried her hardest to raise the kids until she couldn't pay to keep them. She fought the system as hard as she could but they took the kids. She had no other choice". His head now looking down at his feet.
"I wanted to help her but I couldn't. I didn't have the money or the courage to help. I was a coward, I didn't deserve the kids I didn't deserve anything. Cheryl's health got terrible with her losing the kids. She was admitted to a hospital and that's the last I've heard of her". He didn't look at me he stared at his feet.

"What hospital". I questioned

"Saint Mary Joseph's Hospital". He responded

"Do you have a job". I questioned

"No". He said sadly

"You need to get one ASAP. If you want to prove to your sons that you are actually trying to do better. Just walking back into their lives isn't going to make them welcome you. You left them for 15 or more years, you have some things to make up for. I advised. "Think about what I said Mr. Matthews". I walked out the dusty room and back down the stairs carefully. I walked past the lobby area with no words.

"Leaving so soon sweet cheeks".

I didn't turn back to look afraid of what he might be doing behind that counter again. I hurried to the car and pulled out the parking lot and driving back to civilization.

"Siri where is Saint Mary Joseph's hospital".

"Saint Mary Joseph hospital is located 5.2 miles from your location".

That was a good drive from where I was right now. But I need answers for Joey, and I might as well go. I turned the car around and headed toward the way on the map.

"GPS to Saint Mary Joseph hospital". I spoke clearly.

I kept my head steady on the road. I'm about to go find Joey's mom.

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