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I walked to the car kind of mad, he scared the living shit out of me. I walked to the car and got in the passenger side and let him drive us home.

It was silent other than him trying to talk to me.

"Do you need another punishment". Hearing that snapped me out my thoughts

"No, no I'm listening". I responded. His chuckling filled the car. "Nothing is funny Mike you scared the shit out of me". I sounded mad.

"Potty mouth that could earn you a punishment". He smirked. I was seeing a lot of his smirk lately.

"Oh I'm so scared". I said sarcastically

"The punishment gets worse the more you be bad".

"If I promise to be good will the rest of our night go smoothly".


I smiled and the rest of our drive home was quiet. Michael took the what he calls the scenic route. Basically we drove through a path made in the dirt of the woods. Lots of trees and the moon it was a beautiful drive. While driving Michael started to increase in speed.

"Michael what are you doing".

"Giving you a speedy ride". He smirked, but I was getting fearful. I like my rides nice, slow and SAFE!

He was driving so fast that I was thrown back in my seat. At the end of the path he slammed on the breaks and I almost hit the dashboard.

"BITCH". I screamed, out of fear.

"Potty mouth". He sassed

"You almost crashed my car Michael, this isn't a cheap car! Mike what is wrong with you".

"Just having some fun". He laughed

"Ugh, lets go home NORMAL SPEED". I yelled

He continued on the road and drove at a normal speed. I was relaxed and I leaned back in my chair. He pulled up in my driveway and turned off the ignition.

I opened the door to my car and closed the passenger door. I walked to the front door unlocked it and walked inside closing it behind Michael.

"You had fun today". He asked me

"Yeah I did, thanks". I gave him a hug taking in his scent

I pulled away from the hug and walked into the kitchen. "Hungry". I called out from the kitchen. He jogged into the kitchen and stood next to me.

"I'm making burgers want some" I announced, going around the kitchen and collecting the things I was going to need.

"Sure, can I help". He questioned

"You cook?".

"I dabble". He said nervously

I just laughed as he helped me cook the burgers. He literally took over the whole kitchen. He glided around the whole kitchen like he was on ice.He made both the burgers and handed one to me.

"I felt like I didn't even help". I looked in his eyes will little sorrow. I loved helping people, especially when they do something for me.

"I didn't help at all with breakfast so this is my thank you". He laughed a little

"Awe. Your welcome". I picked up the burger in one hand and took a bite playing around. When I pulled it away from my mouth I could barely see where I bit it at.

"Tiny ass bite". Michael laughed

I shoved my burger in his face wiping some sauce on his face. I tried running away but he grabbed my waist taking the burger out my hand setting it on the counter on the plate. He turned me around so that I was now facing him.

"Punishment". I questioned knowingly

"Your smarter than you look". He smirked

"Hey". I whined

He had my waist tightly, he slowly leaned in brushing his ketchup, and mustard covered lips against mine. I could practically taste the condiments. His movements slowly down right on my lips.

His lips and mine were touching, but he slowly added pressure. Until I became a kiss, a slowly forming one. My lungs were about to burst, I was loving this way more that I should have.

He pulled my waist closer, leaving literally no room in between us. My chest coming in contact with his, my nipples getting stiff from the contact. He slowly rocked me, swaying back and forth. His lips and mine moved together as if they were one. His lips were soft as butter, his chapstick tasting so nice, It being ketchup.

His fingers slowly started digging into my waist, not to hard but not light. I couldn't believe the lack of room between us. I could literally feel him through his shorts, it was that close.

The only reason we pulled away from each other was from lack of air. We released each other, and took a breath of air. I could feel the ketchup and mustard covering my lips and my chin. Looking at Michael he had the same predicament.

His condiment stained face, I lightly giggled looking at him.

"You got a little something....everywhere". I laughed, pointed all around his face.

"So do you". He chuckled, letting my waist go, but not backing away from me. He kept our bodies touching, but I didn't mind, his body was warm.

I turned to grab a napkin and wiped his face, as if he were a child. He watched me as I slowly took the mixed condiments off his chin, then his lips.

I threw the napkin In the trash. Then turned around to grab another one. But when I came back Michael had already had one in his hand. He grabbed me by my waist, and pulled me closer to wipe my face.

He wiped my chin down, but before moving up to my lips he leaned in and took my bottom lip in between his teeth. Gently nibbling at it then letting it go.

Once he was done he threw the napkin away and came back to meet me. He lightly lifted me up to sit on the counter and handed me my food again. He pryed my legs open and stood between them.

This time I decided to eat my food without playing with it. Taking normal sized girl bites you know. When I was done he politely took the plate for me and washed it.

He helped me down from the island counter, and I headed directly towards my bedroom for the night to change and relax.

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