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I went to see Joey and he and this man named Tom got comfortable together. I didn't know he had met someone but I was happy for him, it was about time he settled down and I as well.

I knocked on the door and Joey answered opening the door slightly. It's been some time since I talked to Joey.

No I didn't go two years without talking to my bestfriend.

Just a couple of weeks. I walked inside and he grabbed my hand.

"Hey bitch". He said

"Hey Joey". I said with a slight giggle

He sat me down on the couch and he looked at me with gleam in his eyes. I didn't know what he was going to ask or tell me but I know it had to have been something good.

"Joey... your scaring me tell me what's going on".

"We got a surrogate".

I jumped out my place on the couch and did a little happy dance.

"Tom and I were going to ask you to be our surrogate but then Michael called us with some news days before we were going to ask you".

"Well I'm still happy you considered me".

"Hey your eggs, Tom's sperm would have made way to pretty mixed babies".

"Okay I didn't need to hear that part". I nervous laughed. "But thanks, yeah what did Mikey tell you".


I laughed remembering the fact that I almost married Jason all those years back. I used to wonder where we would be right now if I had. I stopped caring after Michael proved that he could love me better than Jason ever could.

I was happy not only to be getting married but to finally be getting married to the right man this time.

"You mean MAN". I stated. "Jason was a boy, kissing his cousin and ish, Michael's a man...my man".

"Bitch after all this drama y'all went through you deserve something good in y'all life, I swear with you and Michael y'all turning my hair gray".

"Oh shut up Joey". I laughed

I caught up with Joey and he told me all about the surrogate. How he purposely chose a black woman since he couldn't use me. I was honored for that.

I got to meet Tom for the very first time that day.

"Hello, Tom right".

"Yeah, you must be Auriel, hey your even prettier than your picture". He complimented.

"Thank You". I said appreciatively

"Joey was right you would have been the best surrogate, to bad you got a whole ass fiancée now". He giggled

"Your starting to sound like a whole lot like Joey". I giggled

"I hope that's not a bad thing".

"Boy that's my Bestfriend, I love him so looks like imma love you to". I laughed and he did right along with me. Joey was sitting on the couch quietly then looked over at Tom with a stank face.

"Joey what's up with you".

"I ain't sharing no love, you love me and me only, Michael just getting that second hand love, and he only got that because he giving you that pipe". His stank face was still present on his face as I tried so hard to hold in my laughter.

My cheeks were getting so big as I tried to hold in a laugh. I busted out laughing, Joey was so protective even now. I thought he would grow out of this once high school ended I guess I was wrong.

"Oh I get second hand love".

Michael walked through the door knocking on it as if he wasn't already walking in.

"So is this the fiancée". Tom walked up to Michael shaking his hand.

"I am". He said proudly.

"Your handsome, Auriel you sure know how to pick'em".

I walked over to Michael giving him a side hug, but he pulled me back when I tried to walk away saying "What is that". He pulled me into his chest and gave me a bear hug. Not that I'm complaining I love his hugs.

Once he finally let me go, well semi let me go, he still had his arms around my waist. I just turned around and faced Joey and Tom.

"Such a beautiful couple I can't". Tom spoke out. He was definitely nice, Joey was a sarcastic piece of work and Tom was to nice for words, they are a match made in heaven.

I giggled at his nice words and listened to him. He pulled me into the kitchen to help with dinner while Michael and Joey talked. In a way Tom was the female in the relationship so nice he had a feminine feel to him.

He was so relaxed as he even showed me som recipes for me to learn. Great thing he knew his way around the kitchen, Joey know how to eat.

After we were done we all ate and just about when Michael I were to go we made a little small talk with Joey and said our goodbyes for the night, lord knows imma be back in the morning.

"Bye Joey". I spoke.

"She saying by like she won't be here tomorrow". Michael blundered out

"Oh you wanna crack jokes now, wait till we get home the jokes gonna be on you". I walked out the house with that.

"Bye guys". He said. "Auriel wait I'm just playing, baby c'mere". He jogged to catch up with me but I started running myself.

He ended up catching up to me as he picked me up and carried me downstairs to the car and placed me inside. On the drive home he kept feeling all up on my thigh.


"You got me feeling some type of way, now you gotta fix it". He teased

He pulled into the driveway and stopped the car, we didn't even get out he just pulled my lips to meet his.

"Are..we..not..going..inside". I said between kisses.

"We should huh".

"No, not unless you want all your fans to see what we about to do". I joked

"You right".

I looked over at our front door to see a woman and a man standing there. They looked oh so familiar and I could just put my finger on who they were.

"Michael, babe".

He looked over at the direction I was pointing and seen the people in front of our doorstep.

He got out the car and I followed suit. I walked getting in front of him but he lightly pushed me back and stood in front of me protectively. I grabbed on to his bicep and he walked to the door.

"Can I help you". He asked

The couple turned around and when I tell you seeing her face fully made me realize who that was. It felt like yesterday I was beating her ass in high school. Now here she is on my front door.

"Miranda". I said in a stank ass tone.

"Auriel". She said back blankly

This feud which I thought ended in high school just started back up again, and I can tell this wasn't going to end pretty.

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