Rough Landing

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I wake up to the sound of  screams and g forces pushing against me. I open my eyes to see myself strapped into a hard metal chair with about 50 people in the cabin. Then what I guessed was a spacecraft bounced and everything started to float. I looked over to my left and see my ex-best friend Wells. I quickly look away, but he sadly spots me. " hey sleepyhead" he says. I look away from him a little to quickly " are you still mad at me" he asks " yes I am. You got my dad floated." I snap. He looks down and stays quiet. I look over to my left and see that 3 people in the cabin have unbuckled themselves and started to float around. " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" I shouted. One of the guys float near me and says " just floating around. I'm Finn" " get back in your seat Finn before we enter the atmosphe-" I was cut off by the jolt of us entering earths atmosphere. The 3 boys that were floating were now slammed against the bottom of the spacecraft. " I told you so" I said sarcastically. Finn looked up at me and gave me a "damn-you" kinda face. I giggled and unbuckled myself once we were on the ground. I looked up and saw about 50 more people come down from an apparent compartment that was above us. I watched as more people started to come out but a loud shriek snapped me to attention at the door of the dropship. I shuffle my way to the front of the crowd to see a boy and a girl hugging. And that is when I hear someone say " is that the girl who hid in the floor for like 13 years" the cabin erupted in laughter. That's when the boy who had been hugging the girl said "this is Octavia and she will be the first person to step on earth and I am Bellamy. We were sent down here to die. So let's make them regret that they got rid of us!" He yelled and opened the door. Octavia stepped out looked around and yelled " WERE BACK BITCHES!!!" And very one started to run out and party.

Hello it's ya author this is my first story so mind the spelling errors. Some shit is gonna go down in the next chapter I will try to update regularly

Bye Bitches 😜

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