Tea Spills Sis

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"When are we going to tell the camp about the baby?" I asked "I don't know bell." "Well we need to figure it out. It's been 3 months and you've begun to show" I retorted "I know." She says shaking her head. "Well it's going to be soon obviously" she says gesturing to her stomach. We both laugh lightly. "Ya we will eventually have to tell them" we laugh together. Suddenly our tent flap opened "tell us what?" Octavia said with jasper, raven, Lincoln, atom, Monty, and a couple of grounders staring right at us. Both me and Clarke looked over at each other. Our eyes were huge. As if to say -oh we fucked up-. Which we did. "Well I guess we have to tell them now." Clarke said with an edge to her voice. "Yep" we exchanged looks "ok so, uh, me and Bellamy are, uh,.........." Clarke started "IM GONNA BE A DAD!" I yelled jumping up from my seat in the bed. It was silent for like .75 seconds until they all started screaming with joy and running off to tell everyone. Everyone except raven. She stood there smiling. "Clarke I knew you were pregnant since the day you took your ultrasound. I found it saved 28 minutes after you took it. Congrats on the baby." She said happily and turned and walked away.  It was quiet for a moment "Holy shit" Clarke said breaking the silence. "We need to start making the baby stuff. It's been like 4 months." We both state for just a second before we are giving off commands for shit to be made for the baby.

Time jump —the next day—

Omg everyone knows now. I'm so happy I can be open about everything now. And I have successfully gotten everything I need except for a crib for the baby. I'm so excited! Me and Bellamy are eating lunch when Octavia comes up to us. "Hey big brother, hey baby mama" she says with a wink as she walks away. she has been so happy about the whole baby thing. Everything was going well until Thomas came up to us. "Hey Bellamy, your pull out game is weak as hell. One time with the princess and your already knocked her up." He laughed. I turned to watch bells eyes narrow. He stands up and slowly walks over to Thomas. They have a little private conversation and Bellamy walks away. he almost reaches me until Thomas runs at him and tackles him. I jump up and try to separate them. Bellamy quickly pins  Thomas down and eventually lets him go. Bellamy walks to to again he hugs me and goes to clean up our lunches remains. Thomas looks up at me as he wipes his face in his sleeve and then he runs at me. He tackles me to the ground. He slaps me and punches my stomach! Bellamy yanked him off me while atom and grounders hold him down. Bellamy scoops me up and runs me to the healers tent, where I am to be watched at all times until I am better.

Well. Clarke got fucked up
And Thomas is prob gonna be killed by Bellamy.
Oh well. Sorry for the late publish.
Byeeeeee 👋

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