Welcome to Polis

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Arriving in Polis
As we ride into Polis I see a huge tower. At least 40 stories. It's in the center of what seems to be a bunch of 2-3 story buildings. Most are shops and homes. Street venders try to get us to sample food. We manage to go through the crowd and to the base of the building. "We will take you up to the throne room." Indra says dismounting her horse. We go inside and into an old elevator. It takes a bit but we manage to make it to the top. The door opens and I find a hallway leading to 2 rooms we go into the bigger one. It has a high ceiling and windows along the back wall. Of course they are all broken but covered with billowing sheets and cloth. A chair sits in the middle of the many windows. It's a normal chair except for the sticks maybe antlers that stick out of the back. I notice that Anya isn't sitting in the throne. It's a younger girl. "Where's Anya?" I ask. "She's sick so I'm in charge until she gets better. I'm Lexa." She says I nod. "So I have an idea on how to get your people out of the mountain....only if you help me get mine out as well." She says standing up. "What's the plan?" I ask "Well take a seat it will be a minute" she says motioning to the seat that appeared behind me. I sit and she begins.

Raven said that Clarke went to talk to Anya I'm Polis. Which is okay if I was out there with her. I'm worried but I have to say focused. If I don't I could die. Maya and Monty have me try and get into the main control room to scope it out. What I notice is a fuck ton of cameras. I try and find a blind spot but it's impossible. I find blueprints of the place and stuff into my pockets before leaving. I can not be caught in there. I rush back to the gallery and see Monty. "I found blueprints..." I say. His face lights up. "Great. I'll try and find a break in the system and find a weak spot." He says. I fill him in on the my journey and tell him about the camera situation. "We can find a way around those."He says confidently. I nod. Imma sleep in the storage closet over there. Come get me in about an hour." I say walking off. "Okay." He says spreading out the prints and working. I walk in and find some blankets. I make a small bundle lock the door and curl up for my nap. Right before I slipped into unconsciousness I think I'd Clarke. Her and our baby girl. Lexi. My girls. Forever and always.

Awww and Clarke is about to fuck some mountain men shit uuuup {and Bellamy}

Anyways my bad I have shitty service and I didn't think it would not upload so rip. It's a day late my bad. 🤪

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