The time has come :(

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I don't want to leave Clarke but it has to happen so we can save our people. We help in the grounders who are gonna help us. We all talk and make sure it is all set up. It's time. I hug Clarke and kiss her goodbye. Raven shuts down the fence and Lincoln and I slip out. We sprint into the forest and to a small camp. We dress me up and Lincoln as well. "I need to tie you to the log once we reach the base of Mount Weather." He says grabbing rope. I nod and we start the long trek to the mountain that swallowed my friends.
Hours later.
We've been walking forever. "We are close. I need to tie you to the log." Lincoln says. I nod and grab the rope from my bag. He ties me up and has me prepped from hell. "Let's walk." He says pulling the string. We walk into the caves. They are dark and hot. Who could live down here. We reach a metal door after about 45 minutes of walking.
1 hour later.
They strip me down to my underwear and take me into a shower. They cuff me to a pole above me. My arms hanging above me. Then out of nowhere a pressure washer sprays the hell out of me. Then they move to the poor guys next to me. He screams in pain. I look down and see my skin glows red from the water. Once they finish everyone they come back to me. The last thing I remember is a needle being stuck into my neck and feeling really tired.
Bellamy is hung upside down and being drained for his blood. Maya is already inside and trying to find a way to put him down. Guard comes in and maya wakes him up with a shot. with half his body on the ground and the other still strung up he untangles himself and fights the guard until he died.
I put on the guard uniform and Maya tells me everything that has been happening. "I need Monty and a private area ASAP." I tell her putting on the hat. "Okay. I'll get him and take you guys to the art gallery." She says. She walks up to me and pulls my hat lower. "We've known each other our entire lives don't be spotted without this hat on." She says. "Let's go." I say looking around at the cages in the room. "Damn have enough cages." I say sarcastically. She laughs as we leave the room. We walk quickly to the elevator and into the dorms. She grabs Monty and we rush to the gallery. She shuts the door and we move to the far back. "Okay I need a radio to contact Clarke." I say. Monty nods " i need to get into this wall so I can go around their radio frequency's." He says looking around for something to break it with. "Here" maya says holding up a sledge hammer that was apparently holding near some paintings. "Okay, Bellamy. Smash through here." He says patting a spot. I heave the hammer up and break through the wall. I do it a few more times and I see the electronics behind the cement walls. "Alright I'll get to work." Monty says. I chat with maya while he deals with his codes. About 15 minutes later he's done. " should be ready." He says holding the walkie to me. I grab it. "Clarke?" I say holding down the button. A few seconds go by. "Bellamy?" I hear her say. I sigh with relief. "Hey...I'm okay and so are the 100. I'm going to find a way to get them out but it looks like an entire grounder army is already down here....just in cages." I say "really? Well I've been talking to Anya and Lexa and they might help us get everyone out." She says "good stay in touch." I say "I will." She says "over and out" I say handing it back to Monty. "Actually you can carry this around but it needs to find a way back here every few hours." He says handing it back. I nod "your to good at this." I say with a smirk. "Well it's time for food now we should find jasper." Maya says "but we need to cover the hole with a panting." She says grabbing the nearest one and placing it over the hole. "Alright....lets eat" I say as we walk out hoping no one busts my cover.

I've been sick lately so sorry if this isn't the best chapter.

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