Shit Hits the Fan

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I'm going die. Not literally but on the inside. I like Bellamy a lot but we can't actually together cause he doesn't like me like that. It fucking sucks.

I hate this idea. Only because I have actual feeling for her but she obviously doesn't have any for me. I sucks. I'm sitting in my tent staring at a wall. Thinking about how the hell im going to make these feeling stop. (If I can) I was startled when Octavia came into my tent. "Hey Bell have you seen jasper?" Octavia and this jasper kid who always has some weird ass goggles on kinda have a thing for each other. It's gross but whatever. " no he always with Monty so why don't you ask him" I reply slightly a little more rude than implied, "oh okay" she relays slowly. "Sorry I've been a little distracted" she gives me a smug look " you like Clarke don't you" I stare at her wide eyed "it's that obvious?" I reply worried  "no but you just confirmed it. You need to tell her." "I can't she won't ever talk to me again and she probably doesn't like me like that. She gives me the most are-you-for-real face I've ever seen. "Fine I'll talk to her and see how she feels about you." "Ok" I reply defeated.

This is some bullshit. Clarke and Bellamy obviously need to get together, I mean they have a lot of sexual tension. I think as I walk toward the dropship where Clarke is working. "Hey Clarke" I startled her. "Oh hey Octavia what's up" she reply's fast. "I was wondering if you wanna pull off a scene with Bellamy. I tell her a plan that Bellamy doesn't even know about. But she doesn't need to know that.

What's Octavia's plan?
When will Clarke and Bellamy get their shit together and just fuck.
Find out next chapter

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