Can You Keep a Secret?

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I watch as the ark falls and crashes. I am in full shock. I look over to Clarke she has begun hyperventilating. I instantly pull her into a hug and hold her close. "It's going to be okay. People survived that and I bet your mom, who to be honest is the toughest person up there is okay." I whispered. She nods in response " your right" she lifts her head and and looks me in the eyes "they'll be fine for the night, so how about we find them tomorrow morning and then we can deal with the injury's." I say. She nods and wipes her tears away. "Since the morning is occupied how about we........." she directs her head toward our tent. I chuckle "ok princess let's go"

When I awoke I remembered the ark I stood and dressed quickly which woke Bellamy. "Good morning princess you ready to go save some space peoples asses" he says yawning. I giggle at his stupid remarks. We get up and gather a group, which was rather large, to come with us. We discussed what was going to happen and headed off.
3 hours later
It's been 3 hours. It's so hot. I finally see a clearing in the trees looks like we are taking a break. I breech the tree line to see the ark. "Holy shit" I whisper. Everyone is silent. We walk down slowly. "Hey!" Bellamy says. "Is anyone in there!" There was shuffling as a bunch of people emerge. Then I see her: my mom. Cut up and dirty. She runs to me. We hug and she quickly asks if we have any water. We give them some and help the injured with our supplies.
Hours later
We've helped almost everyone who was on the ship. We even managed to set up a med bay. We have some of the guards who have survived making new and improved fencing around the grounds. We've got most of the supplies and stuff off of the dropship and brought it here. I stand in awe as the people of the sky help each other to fix the ark. I looked over to where a huge hole was and I see Bellamy lifting scrap metal and waiting for them to drill it in. Once he's done he jogs over to me and smiles "hey princess" he says hugging me. "How's my baby?" He asks placing his hand gently in my stomach. "Bellamy!" I whisper yell swatting his hand that was in my belly " my mom can't know right now." "Oh ya" he says looking disappointed. But he instantly poops back up. "But she can know about 'us' right?!" He smirks "yes" I sigh "goood cause I've wanted to do this all day." He pulls me in and kisses me with passion. "I love that." I said looking into his brown eyes. "And I love you" He says putting his head on my shoulder. "I love you to" I say kissing him as he pulls away to get back to work. "See ya baby" he says before kissing the air and running to help the guys.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Wasn't feeling it. Buuut I got this out and I'm feeling inspired. ♥️

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