A Simple Mistake

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Something is wrong with Clarke. Every morning she runs off. She comes back 10 minutes later and acts like nothing happened. This morning I'm up before her and I wait for her to wake up and leave. It's about 8:30 a.m. when she wakes up and runs off. I follow her to a corner of the camp. I see her hunch over and throw up. "Clarke!" I say while I run toward her and hold her hair. "What's wrong" I say quietly "I don't know," she spits some before continuing. "I started to throw up last week but now it getting to be more often."

After I say that I turn around to see his eyes wide. "What" I say hiding behind my hair.
"C-Clarke are you pregnant....." Bellamy asks "I-I don't know. I might be" I say slowly " Clarke if you are I'll help you through this and I'll help take care of the baby. I promise" Bellamy says looking deeply into my eyes. "But to be sure if this keeps happening for 3 more days we call it." He says. I just nod. I don't know what to say. If I am pregnant how is a baby going to live in a world like this. It's full of blood and danger. Even death. But we will see in 3 days.

Time jump— 3 days later—

It's been 3 days and the same thing has been happening. But since then I've been exploring. I found an old, run down, kinda fucked up, nasty lookin hospital. Or the remains of it. From there we've recovered medicine and a solar x-ray and ultrasound machine. Time to find out for a fact if Clarke is pregnant. No one knows about it but some people might be catching on with me and taking the ultrasound sound machine right then and there. But whatever we will find out soon enough.

So yesterday Bellamy came back with some medicine and machines. Raven fixed them up and made it so we didn't need electricity to use them. Me and Bellamy snuck off and took it and placed it in the dropships second floor. We locked the door and prepped me for the ultrasound. I lifted my shirt and rubbed the gel on my belly. I laid down on the table we moved up there and moved the sensor device over my stomach. I searched for awhile until I saw it. A small little fetus inside me. I instantly started to cry. I screenshot Ted the image and dropped the device with tears in my eyes. I look over to Bellamy he's crying. He pulls me into a hug and we cry together. We sit in silence until Bellamy speaks. "When are we going to tell everyone" "after we deal with the grounders" I say "ok" we sit and cuddle on the table for a few until someone bangs on the latched door. "WHERE IS THE ULTRASOUND MACHINE!!!" Raven yells. Me and Bellamy exchange worried glances then we shut it off and move it to a corner of the ship. "Ok we were discussing how we are going to get rid of the grounders" I quickly say. He nods in response as he opens the latch. And let's an angry raven up. " what were you doing" she says. "We we're discussing how to make a treaty with the grounders." Bellamy says confidently. "Then why was the ultrasound up here! You know what nevermind. Just go so I can figure out how it got up here." Me and Bellamy left went to his tent.

Something is up. First Bellamy came back with an ultrasound machine and gave me a shitty excuse to fix it, next he runs off and my machine goes missing. Then I find him and Clarke up in the second level with it????? I power it on and it shows a small image. It was a baby. I looked at the date it was taken. 23 minutes ago. HOLY HELL CLARKE IS PREGNANT!!!!!!

sorry about the wait. School started again and I'm hoping to post every weekend. See ya later.

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