Abby back off

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I hang up the radio and turn to raven. "I need to travel to Polis and talk to Anya." I say. "I'll tell Bellamy the next time he calls." She says patting the top of the machine. I nod and walk to medical. I need to talk to my mom. When I walk in I see a few people getting bandages from small cuts and scrapes. Jackson is doing most of the work as my mom is no where to be seen. "Hey Jackson." I say. He looks up at me. "Do you know where my mom is?" I ask. "Uh she went to the guard towers to check perimeter or something like that. She had a bad feeling." He says I nod quickly and hurry to find her. If she finds out we let Bellamy go outside and into mount weather she will be pissed. I jog over to the tower and see her talking to the lead guard lady. She's kind of an ass to me. I try to listen to their conversation but it's to quiet. She climbs down and sees me. "Hey Clarke have you seen Bellamy." She asks. Oh shit. We never thought of a cover story. "Mom can I speak with you privately." I say she nods and we back into the ark and into a board room. I tell her everything "Look.....we needed an inside man and a way to get them all out." I finish. She nods completely stunned. "They're all alive we just need to get them out before they all get killed." I tell her. "I hate that you did this even after I told you not to...but I'm impressed that you pulled it off." She says. I sigh in relief. "Great I need to go to polis and talk with Anya. It takes to long with the messengers and I can think over there." I say turning to leave. "Wait. Your think your leaving to?" She says with a smirk. "Uh yes. We need to get them out this isn't up for discussion. I'm taking a horse and I'll be back in 3 days. Unless I send someone to say otherwise." I say leaving the room before she could change my mind. I hurry to my room to pack clothes and rations. This is gonna be a long trip. I mount my horse and start toward the gates. I signal them to open and within seconds it's wide open and ready. I leave on the newly cleared path toward Polis. I've never been but I have a few people waiting in the woods to take me there. I'm sad I won't see Bellamy for a few days but I trust him. I ride carefully hopefully not messing with the baby. I can't believe it's a girl. I wonder what she'll look like. Blond hair or black hair. Blue eyes or brown eyes. I can't wait to see her grow. I tear up as I get closer to the tree line. I wipe my almost tears and nod to the grounders who will take me. Let the long journey begin.

So Clarke left for Polis and Bellamy is inside the mountain.....this will be interesting

Sorry for the late post I was sick all last week and I felt dead bad new chapter sometime this coming weekend!

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