The Ark

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After my little brawl with Thomas we instantly did an ultrasound luckily the baby seems okay. I've been sitting by her and the unborn baby's bedside since the incident. They will never leave my sight again. News came out that the Ark was coming down in a week. I don't believe it, but if it does I will be arrested for my crimes on the Ark. I will be killed before I get to see my baby. My baby, Clarke's baby, our baby. It will never meet me. I begin to cry softly just thinking about how I will never see them if the Ark comes. I am shaken out of my thoughts when Clarke stirs. "G'mornin" She says stretching she quickly stops when she sees the single tear that came from my eye. "Why are you crying" she hugs me "if the Ark comes down they are going to kill me" I say shakily "why would they kill you" she asked obviously confused. "I Shot the chancellor" there was silence.  I turn to look at her expecting a horrified look but she looked at me with her beautiful eyes and calmly said "the chancellor isn't dead we can radio him, tell him how good you are down here and he will pardon you." She says all to quickly before rushing off to ravens tent.

I knew Bellamy did somethings in the past but the fact that he shot the chancellor didn't  surprise me. I popped my head into ravens tent "hey raven can you power up the radio I need to talk to the chancellor" "sure I'll be out in a second".     30 minutes later
"Okay thank you chancellor jaha" we both waved "oh wait Clarke do you want to talk to Abby before we leave?" "Sure" jaha gets up and goes to fetch her. "Bellamy!" I whisper yell, "my mom can't know about the baby right now okay!" "Yes I got it" "okay hey mom" I say as she sits down. "Clarke" she was with total relief., "how are you"she asks "I'm good mom so when are ya I coming down to earth?" She stops and thinks for a minute. "Sometime next week we believe" she says "oh good alright mom I'll see you soon!" "Love you baby" the screen went black. Me and Bellamy walked out and sat by the fire pit. By the time we left it was night fall "When will we find out the gender" he asks "we can find out today if you want" I say turning toward him. " how about tomorrow I want to bone you one last time before I know if my baby will have one or not." He says laughing at his last statement we both laugh together.  Everything was good, my mom would find out next week and she would even see the baby when it is born, Bellamy isn't going to die and jasper and Monty can finally give me some of that moonshine when I give birth. Everything was good until I looked up and saw the Ark hurtling down into the atmosphere. Most of it still made it through but how much would stay together when it landed. We watched as it passed the tree line and crashed.

Well the ark came down early
Clarke isn't ready to tell her mom yet.
At least Bellamy is okay, right?

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