Peace and Love Can Heal

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!" I basically screamed. I scooped up Clarke and ran back into the grounder camp. I ran into Lexa who I guess is their heda. She hurries me into a tent that has small bed and medical herbs. I set her down on the bed while the healer gets to work.

Time jump—2 hours —

It's been 2 hours. Clarke was stitched up and wrapped in some type of seaweed that would help her body heal faster. The stab wound was somewhat deep but for the most part it was just long. It started just above her hip bone and went down to her mid thigh on her right side of her body. "Bellamy" drake started "you need to eat"
"I can't leave her here. What if the guy escapes and try's to hurt her and her baby?" I say worried. Just then the heda opens the tent flap "Clarke is pregnant!" She says "oh shit" I mumble. "Since I've met both of you and some of your people I want to have peace. Especially for Clarke to not have to worry about a war. Your people aren't as bad as we first thought. I want us to work together." Lexa finished "deal?" She shot her hand out waiting for me. I glanced at Clarke. "Deal" we shook hands just as Clarke was waking up. "What did I miss" she mumbles while rubbing her eye. I laugh while shaking my head. "Well princess you missed us creating peace" I say "what!" She said grabbing her stomach as she sat up. "Clarke I wanted peace for you and your baby." Lexa says. Her eyes get wide. She knows she was showing now and she now realizes her cut begins up there so maybe she won't kill me. She looks over to me and hugs me then she hugs Lexa. "Uh sorry but uh, when can I go home?" Clarke states nervously. "How about in the morning" Lexa says while turning to leave. "Ok" we say as she exits the tent. Clarke lays back down and waves me over. "Did you tell her" " I told a few people so they would keep searching." I say looking down "it's okay, lay with me" she says moving over so I have room. I lay down cuddling with my princess and our baby. This is paradise. We finally have peace. We finally are in a safe place. I fall asleep with the 2 people I love. And hope this feeling never ends.

Awwwww happy times for Bellamy.
In that world it won't last long.
Anyway I won't be posting until this weekend.
Bye hoes

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