Blast off

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I managed the get that n the dropship and seconds before it closed Anya (the heda of the grounders) slid down door seconds before it shut. She looked up and stabbed Clarke. I rushed to Clarke and held her wound. everyone held down Anya as I screamed for Octavia. "OCTAVIA!" I see her slide down the ladder and push past everyone to Clarke. She was laying almost unconscious in my arms. She had tears streaming down her face and blood soaking through her shirt. "Get her to the second level" Octavia yelled . I rushed up still holding onto my princess. Just as I made to the top of the ladder the whole dropship shook. And I knew all of the people on the outside were dead. As the shaking stopped I made my way to the Octavia who had medical supplies with her. I set her down on some blankets and O went to work. She cleaned it, checked for poison and stitched it up hoping it wasn't bad.

I stabbed Clarke. I liked her she was fierce and strong. I stabbed her where I knew it wouldn't kill her. She would be fine. But they didn't need to know that.

I sat with Clarke. Even as the dropship opened I stayed there with her. Occasionally leaving to go eat, drink and use the bathroom. She was asleep most of the time. We found some of the seaweed from the river and gave it to her. It's been 3 days since and she has been doing perfectly. But I made her stay up in the dropship until I was sure she would be okay.

I want to go outside. And right now I'm going to. Bellamy went to the bathroom and Octavia was napping. So I snuck down only to be stopped by the one and only Bellamy. "Where do you think you are going" he said with a smirk as he picked me up off of the ladder and set me on the floor. "I want to go outside Bellamy I'm fine" he ponders for what seems like forever. "Fine but since your "fine" he air quotes " I want you to meet me in my tent in an hour" he finishes "fine see you then." I say as I walk out.

Time jump—1 hour later

It been an hour and Clarke no where to be seen. I start to worry I ask around camp and all I've gotten was a bunch of "I don't know" and "I don't care" so I went to ask jasper and he said " I think I saw Finn and Clarke go out of the camp but Clarke didn't seem like she wanted to talk to him." I run out of camp and look around I hear a muffled cry and I run toward it. Then I see it. Clarke pinned against the tree tears streaming down her face. Finn kissing her neck and saying something. My blood is boiling. I run to them and punch Finn right in the face. Knocking him out cold. I turn to Clarke who's sunk to the ground and crying. "Hey are you okay" I ask she just cry's I take her into my arms and carry her back to camp. I take her to my cabin and lay her in my bed and just cuddle with her comfort her and be there for her. I've never done this with anyone but Octavia. It feels different. A good kind of different. I liked loved it. I loved her. I love Clarke griffin. Holy shit.

Good morning sluts. Bellamy just realized he really loves Clarke. Like a lot. But does Clarke like him back???

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