It Begins

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Lexa finished telling me her plan. We would get Bellamy and some of the help inside to unlock the grounder cages. Then we with some communications from the inside they have a weak spot. If the power goes out one of the main doors will unlock for about 45 seconds. They are powered by a dam so if we cut off the power and blow the door, were free. But we still have to get around the acid fog. Bellamy said he can get into the room in which they store and power the fog. If he talks with raven and wick they can turn it off and we can charge. Simple right?.....I wish it was. I want Bellamy to help from out here. Where he won't get hurt. I think of this as I make my way back to Arcadia.
{the ark} im close...I can hear people moving around and the guards are switching posts. I break the tree line and see the path to the gate. I hear an inaudible yell and the gates creak open. Raven is first to help me dismount my horse. It's hard with a baby bump. "Hey Bellamy's on the radio, do you want to talk with him?" She asks I nod and we jog to mechanical. I pick up the radio and talk. "Hello..." I say into the mic. "Clarke!" Bell says "how's Lexi?" He asks. I giggle "she's doing you know the plan." I say " we're doing this in 2 days right." He asks "yes. The army on the outside will wait on the perimeter of mount weather until we get the thumbs up that the fog is off. Raven has made this radio mobile so she can walk you through it." I explain. "Okay be careful in the army." He says "be carful in the mountain." I sigh "I love you Clarke." He says "love you too Bell. Bye" I say "bye." He says the line goes down. "Okay I'm taking a shower, eating and then sleeping." I say walking out.

I finished showering and eating. I make it back to my room and lay down in the bed. I wish Bellamy was here....but he's needed in the mountain. I feel a cramp in my side. Oh goes away. fine. I pull up the blanket and think. I'm almost 8 1/2 months. Oh god....not now....not without Bellamy. I drift off to sleep praying my baby won't be born without her dad by my side.

Well shit.

Hey so I think I will seat posting on Saturdays or Sundays depending of schooling. Sorry but I don't have time over the week to write.


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