Getting down and dirty

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It had been weeks since the Finn incident and I need to nut. Like bad. Clarke seems kinda the same. She squirms when I touch her thighs or there was this one time when we were hunting and we went in separate groups. I was partnered with Clarke. We fell over I landed on top of her a little harder than I thought. My chest was squishing her boobs and she moaned quietly. Damn. I wish she would moan on top of my dick

I walk into Bellamy's tent. I manage to get him to the top of the dropship. The only compartment that is sound proof when you shut hatch door. The second it is closed I kiss him passionately. Our tongues swirling together. We soon loose our shirts. Bellamy's hand creeps its way to my bra. He takes it off and gropes my boob. I moan into his mouth. He picks me up and brings me to the pile of extra blankets. He slides down my pants and trows them across the room. We explored each others mouths until he makes his way down my neck and to my boobs. He sucks on them and lightly bites my nipples.  I moan and I feel him smirk on my boobs. He brings his mouth back to mine and we kiss. I strip off his pants with his boxers and he takes off my panties. Slowly he slide his dick in. "Mmmmmmm" I moan. "Damn your so tight" he moans.

35 minutes later—

Oh my god. Clarke was so good.  She's felt so good. That was the best release I've ever had. Anyway we unlock the latch door and climb down. We enter the bottom level and see 3 kids with burn marks. "Clarke where have you been" Octavia days jogging toward her. "Me and bell were discussing what's going to happen when the ark comes down." Clarke says a little to quickly Octavia gives me a sideways look then shakes her head. "Anyway the fire pit got out of control and they got some pretty bad burns. The fire is under control now" she says walking toward one of the fire victims. Clarke fixes them up and everyone gets back to work.

1 week later

It been a week since the fire. All the victims are okay. But for the past 4 days I've been getting sick in the mornings. It sucks. I hope it passes soon. No one has seen me throw up. So I don't anyone knows I'm sick.

Okay so we all know what's up with Clarke. Does Octavia know about Clarke and Bellamy being a thing.

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