Congratulations! its a....

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Raven rubs the gel onto my belly. She grabs the knob and places it on my lower stomach. "It's cold!" I say grabbing Bellamy's hand. She moved it around and waits for it to focus. I hear the heartbeat. I almost cry. I look up and see Bellamy with tears in his eyes as well. "Congratulations guys it's a girl!" The second after she said that I cried. I can't wait to have a baby girl. "What are gonna name her?" I ask "how about Lexi Persephone Blake?" He says I nod not being able to speak. "Aww baby don't cry" he says wiping my tears. I look at him as he cry's too. "Don't tell me that you pussy." I giggle. Raven cleans me up and walks us to our room. "I can't believe it's a girl." He says laying down on the bed. "Me neither." I say laying next to him. He stands up and picks me up. He Carey's me all the way back to our room. "Baby." He says in a sexy voice. "Yes." I say back. "I want you." He says into my ear. I shiver and nod. As he kisses my neck he slowly goes lower until well.....
Morning time
Fuck. Bellamy leaves today. I think about what I'm gonna do while he is gone. Probably chill with raven in mechanical and wait for him to come back. I get out of bed slowly and dress for the day. I look over at him as he still sleeps. He needs his rest before the stress of the day arrives. I walk to medical and see a few people walk around inside and outside the ark. I lift the flap and see my mom cleaning up and organizing. "Hey." I say scaring her a bit. "Hey honey. How are you feeling?" She asks. "Good ." I say. I talk with her until Bellamy comes in and  takes me to mechanical. "Raven!" He shouts. "Hmm." I hear her say sliding out from under one of the rovers she's working on. "I leave in 2 hours let's go over the plan and make sure EVERYONE is ready." He says with stress laced in his voice. "Alright." She says setting her tools on the work table and taking a seat. This will be awhile.

Sorry for the short chapter again. I've been really busy lately. But thanks for over 2k views.

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