Time flies

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I leave soon. The guard gave me a semi auto and I wait by the gate. Abby is directing a crew to come with me. The only stuff that is there is the crib changing table and the ultrasound thingy. I hope we can bring all of it in one trip but I doubt it. I want to say goodbye to Clarke but her mom has her stuck in medical right now but I'm sure she'll come out to say goodbye. The group comes up to me and nods. Time to go. I look back at the  ark and see Clarke push through people to me. She throws her arms around me and kisses me. "Don't leave me behind." She whispers to me. "Never will." I say back. I release her sadly and turn to leave. I have a long walk to go. Raven has rovers in the garage but they aren't done yet.
2 hours later
We've been walking for what seems like forever we finally realize close I can tell by the marks on the trees. Burn marks from the blast and of course carvings from the teens. We walk up to the ship. She's a mess but she was home. "Where are the supplies." One of the guards demand "under the ship. Come this way." I say walking into the ship. There is an open compartment on the floor that leads to the mechanical bit of the ship. I go down and grab out the crib and the changing table. I pas them up I look around for the ultrasound thingy. It's gonna be heavy but it'll be worth it. For everyone back at the camp. "I've got one last thing but it's very heavy." I say to them. "What is it." One asks "it's an ultrasound thing." I say back up. "Grab and if we can't do it we'll leave it." He says. The walk sucked. We had to carry everything. And none of it was exactly light. We finally made it back to the ark. It's almost night time. Which sucks cause I leave tomorrow and I won't just be leaving Clarke. I'll be leaving our baby too. Just as I make it into the gates I see her run over. She engulfs me in her arms and I do the same. "Does the entire camp know?" I ask her. "I don't know." She says back. I release her and we take everything inside to our room. It happens to be one of the few one that survived the reentry onto earth. The crib is put next to the bed and the changing table will be put near the desk. The ultrasound thingy is taken to raven. Once alone me and Clarke sit in the edge of the bed. "Bellamy..." She says quietly. "Yea?" I say back. "What is gonna happen if we can't get them out and your cover is blown and-" I cut her off. "It won't happen. I'll be careful." I reassure her "okay. I want our baby to have a dad." She says holding her stomach. "Ya know we never found out the gender did we?" I say looking at her with a smirk. "No." She says "well. We got the ultrasound here." I say as her face lights up with realization. "Can we?!" She asks "of course!" I say back. We walk over to mechanical. "Raven!" I shout. "What:" She says sliding out from under one of the rovers she's working on. "Can we find out the gender?" Clarke asks holding her belly. "Yes!" She says getting up quickly. We jog over to the machine, "let's get started" she says grabbing the gel.

I want you guys to comment what the baby's gender should be and it's name please!
And THANK YOU for 2k reads it means a lot to me. Anyway leave a comment and I'll pick one. Cut off is 2/21/19 SEND EM IN

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