What the hell Abby??

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I reached camp and told Abby what happened. She says she's gonna send a search party out. I hope so. What are they doing in mount weather. When will i see Clarke again? Will they find out that she's pregnant???! Ooooh shit. I guess instead of sitting in my room I could go outside and help fix up the place.

We run. They haven't been near us for a few miles so that's good. "How far is my camp?" I wheeze. "About 2 hours from here.We should be there just after dark." She says walking ahead of me.
2 hours later
We are close I can tell. The Sun just went down and I can see lights. We cross the tree line and I see the ark. I sigh with relief. "Thank you Anya" I hug her and walk toward the gate. Guards rush up to me and walk me in. As I pass through the gates I see parents. Looking for the kids that I brought with me. I breaks my heart. I start the cry a little then I see Bellamy. He turns around when the gates close. He sees me and stands up. He jogs over and hugs me tight. "Clarke." He sighs with relief laced in his voice. "Bell....they have them." I manage trying not the sob. "Who have them?" He asks looking down at me still holding me. "The mountain men." I say braking down grabbing his jacket. "Who's that?" He asks clearly confused. "They live in Mount Weather. They're gonna kill our people for our blood." I spill out. "What does he inside look like?" He asks "I stole a map before I left." I say digging into my pocket and grabbing the paper. "It got a little wet but it's okay" I say handing it to him. He scans it and hands it to Abby who now stands next to him. "We will get them out as soon as we're sure they are in there" Abby says starting to walk away. "Mom!" I yell. She turns around. "There inside. I was there. I saw jasper and many more people inside." "Well Clarke we don't want to risk people's lives for something we aren't sure exists." She finishes and leaves. "If she won't do it then we will." Bellamy says "definitely" I say firmly. "I'm not leaving my people to die." Bell says. "Let's talk to raven. She'll help us." We jog off to engineering. We tell her everything that happened. "Look it's going to be dangerous because we're going against the chancellor but...," Bellamy was cut off by raven. "I'm in."

Oooo bellarke finna save the 100s ass. Again. Lmao.

Shorter chapter sorry but school is complete ass. Can't wait for summer. 😘

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