The cave

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I woke up this morning to gaze onto the face a longed to see every morning. I slowly escape Bellamy's grasp pull on my clothes and step outside only to see Finn staring at me. "Clarke I want to talk to you" "no," I backed away "get away from me" I finished "I tried to take you nicely last time, but your boy toy got in the way," he started getting angry, "but this time no one is here to help you" he gives me a devil smile as he grabs me and and holds his a hand on my mouth then everything went black

I wake up a little bit when Clarke leaves to get dressed. I didn't think much when chatter was coming though the flaps of the tent or when it suddenly ended. But now I realize that I should have gotten up with her. It has been an hour but no one has seen Clarke. Me and my group which now excludes some grounders have just begun searching for her in the surrounding woods.

I woke up with a headache. Which sucks a fat one. I squint in the lights above me I try to cover them with my hands only to realize they are tied to bed posts above me. As my eyes adjust to the light  I see the cave I'm in. It's rather large and I see Finn tending to a small fire. He turns around with a devil smile. "Good morning princess" he says tauntingly. "I thought you'd never wake up. And the fun wouldn't begin." He says "Finn why are doing this" I start only to be cut off with a slap. "Because princess I know you still love me and to want some of this big fat dick." He yells "Finn I don't love you!  I-i love Bellamy. He's the.." I was slapped again but this time harder. "YOU DONT LOVE HIM YOU LOVE ME YOU WORTHLESS BITCH!" Finn screamed. "Finn! Stop." I yell. He stops and stares. "I can love who I want and that happens to not be you. So please let me go back to Bellamy" I say softly "never" he says with that devil smile. He gets on top of me and starts to suck on my neck. Hard. He pulls down my shirt and grabs my boobs with such force I cry out. "Don't make a noise" he warns. He sucks on my boobs until I hear a shot ring out. And he collapses off of me. I see Bellamy jump down from the hole in the ceiling of the cave. He runs to me  unties me quickly and holds me close. "Are you okay, did he hurt you, did he hurt the baby!" He questioned " I'm okay now, the baby is okay, and he slapped me and hurt my boobs." Bellamy's face softened he closed the small space between us and kissed me slow. He stood up and gave me a piggyback ride all the way back to camp where he set me down and we began to talk about the future of our baby and the camp.

Aww happy end. For now.
Sorry about the late publish I forgot to publish it on Sunday. My bad
Later hoes

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