"Fake" Dating

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After I heard what Octavia said I just stood there in shock. My mouth open and my arms slack. I probably looked like an idiot. I turned my head looking a Bellamy and he had the same expression. Octavia just looked between us and nodded. "This will be fun to watch." She said. "Octavia what kind of stupid ass plan is that." Bellamy stated. "A one that stops girls from throwing themselves at you and so you can figure out what's wrong." Octavia says. He looks like he's seriously thinking about it. " alright I'll do it" I sigh " YAAAYYYY!!" Octavia shouts. Me and Bellamy both shake our heads. "What have I got myself into." Bellamy sighs.

The next morning
I woke up around 9 and walked out of my tent expecting everyone to still be asleep but to my surprise around 27 people were up and starting work. I gaze around and find Clarke. She is wrapping someone's arm with some cloth. I walk over to her and ask to talk to her alone. She nods as a reply. We walk into the dropships 2nd floor and close that hatch. "Hey" "hey" "so what did you need to talk about?" She asks. " well uh when do we start this "fake dating" i ask " uh I don't know whenever is good for you" "ok how about we start like now and ya know "keep it a secret" I reply. " sounds good" she says as she opens the hatch and drops down to finish her work.

What's up hoes. This chapter was posted earlier than I expected so I hope I post another one by Friday or that weekend. Goodbye slut see ya in the next chapter

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