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As I lay next to Bellamy I cry. He hold me tight and whispers sweet melodies into my ears. As I drift off to sleep I hear Bellamy whisper "I love you princess"

Clarke's Dream
I leave the dropship and sit next to octavia near the fire. We talk for awhile until Finn comes up behind me "hey princess" "don't call me that" I snap back "calm down I just wanna talk to you" he says slowly. "Fine" we walk a little ways out of the camp when suddenly he pins me to a tree. "Finn what the hell" "cmon princess I know you still love me" "I don't Finn leave me alone let me gooo! I say louder "not gonna happen princess your mine" he says as he kisses me and puts his hands down my pants and up my shirt. "Finn stop!!!" I yell. He slaps me and covers my mouth with his hand. "Be quiet or else I'm going to keep hitting you" I stare at him into his fucked up eyes. And then I scream. "You bitch" he hits me again and starts to kiss my neck. Definitely leaving marks. I start to cry. "Wake up Clarke, it okay" Bellamy says. He's holding me close "your awake now it was just a dream" I bury my face in his chest and tell him what happened. I look up at him and he hugs me. He holds me tight. We part and he looks at my neck. I know Finn left marks on them. "I'm gonna kill that bastard" he mumbles. "Bellamy I'm scared....I...I don't want that to happen again". I stutter "it won't princess. I promise. Tomorrow we'll deal with what we are gonna do to him" and with that he kisses me. Slowly. We part and lay back down and fall back asleep.

Damn. Finn is one fucked up bitch.  What gonna happen when Bellamy and Clarke "deal" with Finn. 

-later sluts

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