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I managed to run before the pink fog/ smoke shit hit me. I ran behind a couple of trees when the masked men came out. They grabbed everyone even Clarke. Where were they taking her. I followed behind them to see where they were going.

6 hours later
It's getting dark and they're still walking. They are going to mount weather. They go into a tunnel and I lose sight of them. Shit. I start my long trip back to camp jaha.

I wake up in a white room. There's and IV in my arm. I rip it out quickly. I need to get out. I need to go home. I need my people. I need Bellamy. I walk up to the door there is a camera above it. Whatever. I look out of the small door window and see a white hallway. With identical white rooms and doors. Where am I. I see a person in a hazmat suit in the room across from me. I back away from the door. I look around the door and grab the stick of the IV stand. I smash the camera and the window. I reach my hand through the window and unlock the door quietly. As I reach my hand back i slice my wrist open on the remaining glass blood flows out quickly. Fuck. I push the door open despite the constant blood flow. I walk slowly up to them. I snatch the suit head off exposing a teenage girl. "Where am I, Where are my friends and when can I leave." I demand. "Stop Clarke you are in Mount Weather. Y-your friends are safe and so are you." She stutters. "How did you know my name." I say putting the glass to her throat. "I don't know it's on your information papers." She says "what's your name." "M-m-maya." She says "take me to them" I demand. She walks slowly and cautiously toward an elevator. She reaches into her jacket I pull the glass closer to her neck. "It's a keycard" she says pulling it out. She swipes it and Bri ya me to level 5. We walk out to see a dinner room. Full of people. All of my friends are in there. One person looks over. She's a chubby old lady. She looks is up and down. Her eyes widen. "CONTAINMENT BREACH!!" She screams. Everyone runs out of the room. Soldiers rush in and grab me. I struggle against them until one of them grabs my arm. My wounded one. I scream from pain. I pass out. Probably from the pain. I wake up in a room with 6 beds with pale yellow linen. My arm is bandaged. I see maya laying a couple of beds away from me. She has 2 tubes coming from her chest. One has blood flowing in the other flows out. What are they doing. I start to follow the tubes across the wall and to a large locked door. I needed a keycard or another way in. I scan the wall. A vent. Great. I pull on it it popped off. I climb through and push on the other side. When comes off and hit the floor I little to loud. I climb out and see cages. So many of them. I also see 2 grounders being hung upside down and drained for.. blood. What the actual fuck. I walk through some of the cages. I see anya! I crouch to see her face. "Anya! It me Clarke. I'm gonna get you out of here." She looks at me with hopeful eyes. I grab a bar and try prying it open. It snaps off and drops to the floor. I open the cage and start to help her out. When the door keycard light goes off. I push her back into the cage and climb in next to her. It was cramped considering I have a baby bump. A women walks in. She's in a doctor uniform. She walks toward the cages. She's getting closer to us. We push to the back of the cage trying not to be seen. She looks down at us. With a death stare. She scrunches her face she starts to crouch when everyone around me start to bang around making a distraction. She pops up and scrambled away as their arms reach for her. "What is wrong with you people." She states walking out of the room. The second that door shuts we push out to three cage. "We will come back for all of you. Don't worry. Jus drain jus daun!" She yells we jog over to a big door. We go into the small room. I close the door and we stand still. The door locks and a red light starts to flash a siren blares it was deafening. It echoed off the walls of metal tomb. Suddenly the floor below us opened and we plummeted into darkness.

Oooo Clarke and Anya escaping.
Will they get out unscathed or be stopped but the mountain men.
Btw I'm making these chapters a little longer than the first ones your welcome.

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