Unity day

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Today is unity day. When we were up on the Arc it was a big holiday. There would be a party in the common areas and drunk people wandering halls until 3am. It was a mess every year. On the ground it was almost the same. Wasted people everywhere, people having sex everywhere and a huge bonfire. The difference this year for me is I have a plan. More like Octavia making sure everyone knows about "us" . Man Its hard to love someone, have to be in a fake relationship with that person, and never actually be able to have them and hold them.

Time jump—8 hours
The night of unity day

I've always kinda hated unity day. We sit around and do almost nothing but get drunk and fuck. But this time I have something else to do. It hurts me to have to pretend date with Bellamy. It hurts my heart and these plans are just playing with my feelings. I look up from where I was sitting and see Bellamy go into the dropship. That was my cue. I stood up and walked into the dropship and saw Bellamy looking at me. "What" I say slightly confused. "Nothing" he says shaking his head slightly. "You ready?" "Don't have a choice do I" I say with a smile. He smirks at me. Damn I love that smirk. He steps closer to me and we kiss. But not like how I've ever kissed someone before. This had passion and feeling. I don't know If it was just me but I hoped it wasn't. He kissed me slowly at first but it got heated quite fast. He took me toward the medical table and sat me on it. By know both of our shirts are gone and I'm left with my bra. He kisses my neck and down toward my boobs. His hands snake down to the back of my bra and unclasp it. He slides it down my arms and begins to suck on my boobs making me moan. Slowly he brings his head back up and starts to kiss me. It's gets sloppy and soon we forget about the plan and do our own thing. Give it 10 minutes and he is inside me and we are fucking on the med table. We finish and he lays down next to me. We are breathing heavy and are exhausted. "Bellamy.....I..I.." I started "princess I love you" he mumbles. I love you too" I say quietly "hey Clarke." He says quietly "mhm" "do you want to for real date" he asks "yes" I sigh. We lay there for a few minutes. Just laying there cuddling and drifting off to sleep.

I have her. The girl of my dreams in my arms. I will never hear the end of this from Octavia. We lay there in silence until someone shouts "GROUNDERS!!!!" And all hell breaks loose.

What's gonna happen when the grounders fight slightly drunk people. What's gonna happen with Bellamy and Clarke.

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