Welcome to the World

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/// hello. Sorry but o don't have the will to write what happened at the mount weather grounder situation. so here's a lil summary.

Everything happened the same except Clarke started to go into to labor halfway back to Arcadia. They are rushing back so that the baby is born in a clean environment and that nothing bad happens to either of them.


We are almost home...Clarke is in labor. She's in so much pain. I hate seeing her like this. Sweating and groaning. Straining her body to stay upright on the horse. We ran ahead of everyone else. Including the injured. It's just Clarke, Octavia, me, and Jackson /medical assistant\ Abby was to injured to be running with us we took the next best thing. We break the tree line and rush to the gates. We get inside and into med bay. "One..two..three!" We lift Clarke off of the horse and onto the bed. We set up the blankets and have her say up and in position. "Okay Clarke I need you to push." Jackson says. She nods and pushed. "Okay breathe." He says. "Your doing great." Octavia says. I hold her hand. She holds on for dear life.

2 hours later
"Push Clarke we're almost there." Jackson says. She groans. "I see a head!!" He says. "Push!" He says. Her screams subside when I hear a small cry. "It's a girl!" He says holding her. "What's her name." Octavia asks. "Lexi.....Persephone...Blake." Clarke says trying to catch her breath. "You always liked mythology big brother." She says looking at the baby. Lexi had blue eyes black hair and the cutest button nose. Jackson wraps her in a blanket after cutting the umbilical cord and hands her to me. "Hi babygirl." I whisper. I rock her gently and pass her off to Clarke. "Hey Lexi." She says. My two girls. Mama and baby. "I suggest taking her to your room before the rest get back. I nod and pick up Clarke bridal style. She holds Lexi.  I walk off to our room and we place Lexi in her bassinet. "She's perfect." I whisper as our baby falls asleep. "She has your hair." She whispers "your beautiful eyes" I add. She giggles. "You'll be an amazing dad." She says laying down. "You'll be an even better mom." I say joining her. Soon enough we are asleep just like Lexi.

Yay!! Baby is born boooom! How do you guys feel about Sunday posts. It gives me a whole ass weekend to write. So better chapters and maybe longer ones coming sooooon.

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