The Plan

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Well today got off to a strange start. Firstly Clarke came in and kissed me. I kissed back with out thinking but suddenly pulled away. "Clarke what are you doing." I ask "the plan silly" she reply's and kisses me again. "What plan" "the one Octavia made up." She reply's somewhat confused. "Octavia didn't tell me about this" we exchange glances and we both yell "OCTAVIAAAAAAA!" "Yes" she pokes her head in slowly. "Why didn't you tell me about his plan" I almost yell "wellithoughtthatyouwouldjistgowithitand....." she mumbled "whatever just what was the plan" I ask "well you and Clarke were going to get it on and I'd get someone to walk in and confirm you "relationship" she air quotes. I give her the most what-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-you look. I shake my head slowly and gaze at Clarke who is looking right back at me. "Well are we doing this plan or not" I say breaking the silence. "I guess"I hear Clarke say. "Alright where were we" I say smiling at Clarke as Octavia backs out of the tent leaving them alone. I step toward her filling the small gap between us. I gaze into her beautiful blue eyes and kiss her hoping she feels what I am feeling.

Hot damn. Bellamy is kissing me but I doubt that he feels what I feel. His kisses make my legs turn to jello. I want him but I doubt he would want me. I'm broken and am almost useless around here.

I finally find someone who is looking for Clarke (jasper) and tell him that she is in Bellamy's tent and they are talking about the food and water situation. "Okay" he says with a smile as he walks toward the tent he peeks his head in and sees what I hope is a kissing mess.

I open the tent and see Clarke and Bellamy both shirtless and groping each other. It was nasty. " HOLY SHIT! BELLARKE IS HAPPENING!!!!" I scream. An eruption of shouts and whoops occurred.

I laugh and look in and see that even though they have been discovered they haven't stopped. "Hey you guys can stop now everyone knows." They part rather quickly after I said that. I walk out of the tent hoping things go down inside.

When we parted I felt kinda sad with the loss of contact. I cleared my throat and grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. She did the same. "So, um" she started to say "I gotta get back to work." "Ya uh good acting. I'll see you later" I say with a smirk and walk out of the tent to an ambush of high fives and claps on the back.

Oh damn. What's gonna happen when the acting gets a little to real. Find out next chapter

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