A Good Ole Snatch N' Stab

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2 days later
So......... it's been 2 days since I found out that Clarke is pregnant. I haven't said anything to anybody. I haven't told them that I know about their little secret. But since then I've been thinking. Who's the father. I haven't had a clue. But I'm going to find out.

I'm gonna be a dad! I'm so happy for Clarke. She seems so happy for most of the day. I mean accept for when she's throwing up or constantly needing to pee. Other than that she's been great. It hard keeping things away from our people but I feel if we tell them they will be distracted by it. But on the other hand if we do tell them we can get shit prepared for the baby and if the grounders attack they will know to protect Clarke. "I think we should tell them" I finally state. "When" Clarke asks  "tomorrow" I say hoping she's thinking like me. She seems to be a great debate going on inside her head. "Ok," she says finally. "We will tell them tomorrow." She finishes. I nod as I close the space between us and lock our lips. After a few seconds, I slip my tongue into her mouth. Her hands snake their way up to my tangled hair, as mine reach her waist and thigh. We deepen our kiss if that's even possible when someone behind my tent taps the outside and asks for me. We separate and I walk out to help fix a hole in our wall.

I don't know how to explain how good that kiss felt. Like mmmmmm. I wanted more but of course someone needed one of us. Like always. Anyway once Bellamy left I waited a few minutes and snuck out the back of tent to be face-to-face with a grounder. He grabbed me and held my mouth closed. Then he gagged me, tied me up around my hands and feet, and slung me over his shoulder and walked away with no one noticing.

I finished work about an hour ago and I can't seem to find Clarke. She just disappeared. I'm getting worried cause now she has a baby. My baby. And she's gone. She's done this kind of thing before but now she is carrying my baby. I rounded up a group of people to help but most wouldn't because she's done this before and she usually returned the next day. We've been looking for about 4 hours and we can't seem to find anything. The people in the group want to give up or just rest until tomorrow. It's already dark and that's worrying me more. They don't know the reason I'm searching so hard. "Alright that's it I'm leaving" drake says. I hear a bunch of "ya's" and "cmon" they all are about to leave, I have to tell them. So it did "guys the reason I'm making you look for Clarke so hard is.......that Clarke is.....uh..." I laugh nervously, "... Clarke is pregnant." I finally get out "and it's mine" I finish
It dead silent. "Well what are you waiting for we gotta get her!" Drake yells.

Time jump—2 hours later—

It's been 2 hours and we've finally stumbled on a grounder village. I look around and I see Clarke come out of a tent with a look of relief. She is chained on the hands but not the feet. I turned around to talk to my group but when I turned around they were being held at knife point and being taken away. I didn't notice at hmfirst belittling I was also at knife point. They dragged us into a pit at out a gate on top of it. It was quiet. Until I heard Clarke yell something and then I see her blond haired blue eyed face I loved. I instantly relaxed. "Let them out they are my friends, I already healed your heda, so let them out and let them take me home." I heard grumbling as the gate lifted and we here yanked out.

Once they got yanked out of the pit I ran to Bellamy. He was in his knees and dirty. I wiped the hair outta his face and laughed with relief. The boys were untied and we were free to go. We were just out of their camp when the guy who had already threatened my life jumps out from behind a tree and stabbed me in the leg. He ran away only to be taken down by his people. Then everything went black.

So. This was a long chapter. 
Clarke got stabbed.
Bellamy spilled some beans.
And a grounder went behind his heda's back and hurt Clarke.
What gonna happen then.

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