Chapter seven- you scared me

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March 15th 2020
David's pov
As I woke up, Liza was staring contently at my face. "Can I help you?" I laughed sleepily. "You're just so handsome" she said putting her hand on my jaw. "I do try my best" I laughed. She put her lips against mine and kissed me passionately. "Jesus Liza" I said after minutes. "What she replied with a smirk on her face. "Those kisses never get old" I replied. "Good,aren't i" she replied pushing her lips against mine again. We kissed even longer this time. Liza had her fingers tangled in my hair and I had my arm round her waist. As we were getting into it, mason started shouting for Liza. "Ughhhh" she said as we broke apart. "I was enjoying that" I complained laughing a little. Liza got up and went to get mason from his room and she returned around five minutes later with mason in her arms.
He Smiled as he saw me and reached his arms to me. We cuddled for a while before getting breakfast and getting dressed for the day.
Today I'm going to film with The others at the house so it should be good. I think we are going to try and do a hover board fruit ninja combination which will be really good click bait. Whilst I do that I think Liza and mason are going shopping and Kristen might hang out with Liza as Scott is filming with me. We also still have the flame thrower so it's going to be pretty awesome footage.
"Dave you're gonna be late" Liza called up to me from the bottom of the stairs. She was wearing some sports leggings and one of my hoodies with mason balanced on her hip. He was wearing a red shirt and a hoodie with some shorts. I pulled on my shoes and grabbed my phone, camera, keys and wallet and set off. I gave mason a hug and Liza a kiss before I set off.

Lizas pov
When David left, I instantly called Kristen. "Hi boo!" I said as she picked up. We talked for a bit before we decided we would meet at target, which excited me, mason and Kristen. We decided to meet at 1pm and it was 11am so I decided to put mace down for a quick nap so he wouldn't be grumpy for when we go out. I read him to sleep and laid him into his crib before going downstairs and relaxing for a while. I checked everyone's Instagram stories only to see David doing the most stupid and dangerous stuff which completely freaked me out. Instead of watching David do stupid shit, I decided to edit this weeks video which was a q&a with mason, which was honestly the most adorable things ever. It took me while to edit but once I had finished it was almost time to go so I woke up mason, got him ready and loaded into the car to meet up with my bestie.

When we arrived at target, Kristen was already there and sitting on a bench beside the carts. She saw us straight away and hugged both me and mason as we came up to us. I got a cart and put mason into the kid seat, he was super cute and so excited. We walked around the store talking about so many different thing, ranging from our lives, to the current news, to the great deal on collars( for link ya little nastys).
When we purchased all of our things, we got a Starbucks and just sat and talked for a while, mason had fallen asleep in kristens arms so we finally got a chance to properly talk without being interrupted by mason or great deals. "So, the baby?" I asked. "They're good, and I'm surprised you were able to wait until now to ask about it" she laughed. "I wanted to so badly but there was a lot of people and i was scared one of them would be a viewer or something and overhear us" I replied. "What did I do to get a friend like you" she said smiling at me. "Speaking of though, when are you going to tell people, you can't hide it forever" I said causing Kristen's smile to turn to worry. "I don't know, I kind of want the baby's life to be a bit more private" she explained. "I get it" i said supportively. "How should I tell them?" She asked me. "Do it however you feel comfortable doing it" i told her. "Have you talked to Scott about it?" I asked her. "Yeah, it's the only thing we ever talk about" she laughed. "What does he think" I questioned. "He wants it to be quite casual and so do I but we just don't know how to do it." She said. "Maybe just make a sit down video and just tell them, explain why you have hidden it for the time you have and tell them about the baby's life being private, I'm sure they will understand" I explained. She nodded and smiled again. "You're seriously the best" she said.
We sat for a little longer talking and enjoying our drinks before my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was David. "Hey Liza it's me zane, David really hurt himself whilst we were filming a bit, we are on the way to hospital now" I really hoped to god this was a prank but Zanes voice was willed with sadness and upset. "Shit, is he okay?" I asked completely freaking out. "He's unconscious at the minute and he cut his arm too" zane explained. "I'm coming to the hospital, of David wakes up tell him I'll be there" I said. I put the phone down and tears filled my eyes. "What's wrong?" Kristen asked immediately concerned. "It's David, he-he had an accident when he was filming and he's unconscious and he cut his arm" I sobbed. "I'll drive you to the hospital and take mace for however long you need me to, I have a spare key to you're place and I'll get some things for him" she said getting up. "Are you sure it's not too much?" I asked knowing she's ten times more tired than usual because of the baby. "Of course Liza, come on" she said. We got into the car and practically sped all the way to the hospital. Kristen hugged me once more before I got out and she went to look after mason, who was still thankfully asleep. I went up to the desk and got the receptionists attention. "David dobrik?" I asked. "Room 12, first floor" she said not looking up from her computer. I practically ran to room 12, I needed to see my baby and know he's okay. I opened to door and he was awake and talking to zane who was vlogging. As soon as he saw me he opened out the arm that wasn't bandaged up. "Babyyy" I said running to him and hugging him. Zane shut his camera off and left the room so me and david could have some time. "David why are you such a fucking Idiot?" I asked crying a little into our hug. "Baby, why are you crying?" He asked stroking my hair. "David I was so fucking scared you would be dead or something" I cried. "I know, but I'm not, you're still stuck with me for a while." He laughed. It made me smile a little. "Did you film it?" I asked. "You bet I did" he said smiling. I laughed a little before we sat in silence just staring at each other. I ran my fingers through his long hair and he held my waist as I sat on the edge of the bed, "you scare me so much, you know that" I said moving closer to his face and laughing a little. "I know" he replied attaching his lips to mine.
We kissed only for a few seconds, considering our friends and a few doctors were outside.
When we broke apart I just stared at David's face until the doctor knocked on the door and came Inside. "I'm just here to sort out mr Dobriks arm" he said. He grabbed a few bandages and other things from the station at the back of the room and made his way over to David. I stepped back and sat in a chair. David unbandaged his arm to reveal a large cut going from the crease of his elbow to just before his wrist. "Jesus" I said under my breath as the bandage was peeled back. The doctor used antiseptic wipes and cleaned it before putting some bandages on it. "So, david, you're vitals seem to be back up to standard and you're arm is all wrapped up, you should be able to go at any time" he explained. We thanked the doctor and then I helped David up, we met all of his friends in the hallway and left.

When we got home, after picking up mason, we put him to bed and snuggled on the sofa. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart beating for a while. I love the sound of his heart beating up and down in his chest. "I love you" I said quietly. "I love you too baby, so so much" he replied. I lifted my head from his chest and rested it on his shoulder. He kissed my head multiple times. "You scared me today" I said to David. "I know babe, I'm sorry" he replied. "As much as I know how much you're vlogs mean to you, It scares me when you do this stupid shit." I said sitting up and looking at him. "I know, I need to get my shit together, I have you and mason, and If i keep going I'm going to fuck it all up" he said, his eyes filling with tears. I wrapped my arms round his torso and snuggled into him. "It's okay baby" I said also tearing up a little. "What even are we?" I asked laughing through tears. "But seriously I love you a lot" I said looking to David.
"I love you too" he replied.

Take a shot every time they say 'I love you' lmaoooooo

Ups and Downs- Diza Baby #2Where stories live. Discover now