Chapter thirty five- haircut

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January 23rd 2021
2 years 10 months
14 weeks pregnant
David's pov
I woke up to see Liza standing at the window with her hand rested on her bump. "You okay babe?" I asked her, my voice being super deep considering I just woke up. "Yeah, I just woke up and I couldn't really sleep" she replied. "Are you okay though?" I asked sitting up. "Oh yeah I'm just aching a little and I've got cramp but it's normal" she replied. She walked over to the bed and sat down beside me, I pulled her more onto the bed so that I could cuddle her. "I can't believe you're already in the second trimester" I said leaning down and kissing her baby bump. It's grown so much in just the last two weeks and it's the cutest thing ever. "I'm kinda glad, no more morning sickness but no extremely large baby bump yet either" she replied. "You are going to absolutely boss this pregnancy thing, I can already tell" i told her. She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder. I put my arms around her and we stayed like that for a minute until mason came into our room. "Morning mommy and dada" he said as he came in. "Good morning little man" I said summoning him over to us. Liza helped him up into the bed and he sat on my lay just in front of Liza. "Hey mace look at the baby" I said putting my hand on Lizas stomach. "Baby?" He asked pointing to her little bump. "Yeah bud, that's your little brother or sister" Liza said putting her hand on top of his. He looked amazing and confused which was so funny and cute to look at. "Dadas baby?" He asked pointing to me. "Yeah dada put it in there" Liza said laughing a little making mason confused again. "WhT went through his head to ask that?" I asked also laughing a little.

We soon went down for breakfast and ate together before getting dressed for today.
I  was wearing his baby pink hoodie and some black jeans, Liza was wearing some  blue maternity jeans and a cream knitted sweater that could easily hide her bump and Mason was wearing some jeans and a shirt with one of mine and Lizas old 'clickbait' hoodies.
After we were all dressed we got into the Tesla and drove to the hair salon where mace was about to get his first ever haircut. I obviously had my camera with me but we are going to have to be pretty careful about vlogging around Liza considering it is visible she is pregnant and even though she's wearing her sweater the viewers are already suspicious and it will take one wrong angle to mess up everything. Sometimes I do feel like we have been hiding it a little too long and also that we should just tell everyone but I know that Liza is loosing her mind over it and it's stressing her out a lot which isn't good so I'm just going with whatever she wants.
When we arrived at the salon, Liza took masons hand and they walked in, we waited for a while before it was masons turn, he got to sit in a super cool car thing and they even had TVs for him to watch. They brushed his hair and put water on it before starting to cut it. I vlogged it as they did and I also had one hand round Liza. It took minutes for her to have tears in her eyes and it was quite funny. "I don't even know why I'm crying" she said as she wiped her eyes trying not to ruin her make up. They cut it so that it was short on the sides as they had shaved it and then his curls were still pretty long on the top. He looked the cutest and as soon as he was done he was allowed a biscuit from the hairdresser which was super nice. "Mace what do you say?" I asked him. "Thank you" he said smiling and looking at himself in the mirror. "You checking yourself out little dude?" I asked laughing he nodded in return even more. I even saw Liza laugh a little which was always good. "We ready to go home now?" I asked taking her hand and also masons. "Yeah, can we get Starbucks?" She asked. "Of course" I replied kissing the side of her head.
We got into the Tesla and headed to Starbucks, I noticed Liza kept looking in the mirror at mason. "I can't believe he's so grown up, where has  my little baby boy gone" Liza said looking kind of sad. "He's always going to be our baby, plus we're going to have another baby to love just as much" I said resting on of my hands on Lizas leg.
We soon arrived at Starbucks, we got our drinks and took them to go.
When we got home, we drank our drinks and mason had a nap. I read him a book and put him to bed, after I kissed his head, I walked downstairs and joined Liza on the couch. She looked tired and frustrated. "Baby what's wrong?" I asked sitting down and wrapping my arms around her. "Nothing I'm fine" she replied clearly bottling her emotions up. "Liza, please don't do this" I said to her. "Do what?" She asked innocently. "Bottle up all your emotions and not talk about what you're feeling" I replied. She bit her lip and looked down. "Talk" I said taking her hands and holding them in mine. "David everything is hurting" she said beginning to cry. I wrapped her in a hug. "Is there anything else?" I asked her. "I don't know how I'm going to tell everyone about the baby, i can't david" she cried into my chest. "Liza why are you so scared to tell everyone?" I asked her. "I'm just so scared, as soon as we tell everyone we have to deal with all of the hate and they're going to judge us and I can't deal with it" she said completely bawling. "Shh" I said stroking her hair. "Liza we are going to have to tell everyone and I promise when we do it's going to be okay, everyone will be just as excited as our family and friends were" I said to her. "And Liza who knows we might get trending again" I said laughing a little. She broke apart from me and looked at me with her red puffy eyes. "Oh come on that was funny" I said trying to make her smile. She smiled and I kissed her head. "We're going to be fine liza" I said to her. "I know I just get worked up about it and my anxiety doesn't help" she explained. "I know babe, always talk to me about it though because I seriously don't want that stress on you or the baby, it's bad for you both" i told her. "I know I'm sorry" liza replied. "It's okay baby but promise me that you know I'm here for you" I said. "I know, I love you so unbelievably much" she said. "I love you too baby forever and always"

Yup I've ended another chapter like this again, yup I'm sorry

Please please please leave some suggestions for chapters in the comments!!!!

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