Chapter thirty seven- parents

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February 8th 2018
2 years 10 months
16 weeks pregnant
David's pov
Today Lizas parents are coming to visit. I had woken up early and I'm now shaving.
I splashed the water on my face and grabbed a towel and dried myself. "What time is it?" Liza asked from the shower as she was showering next to me. "Uh, 8am" I replied looking at Lizas phone. "Babe you got a text from Kristen" I told her "ooo read it to me, okay hang on" I said using my face to unlock her phone and then clicking on her messages. "Okay so she said, omg Liza I've texted you a million times but serious girl I'm so proud of you for telling the internet about the baby, you are amazing boo, also we gotta meet up some time I miss my boo" I read to her. "Text back saying, thanks boo, I love you and yeah definitely we gotta meet up" she replied. "Okay, done" I said putting her phone back down. "Thanks Dave" She said. "Any time baby" I replied. "Ugh I don't wanna get out" she said sighing, "how about I get in" I said knowing I needed a shower anyways. "Okay but only for like ten minutes" she replied. I got in and kissed Lizas neck. "David stop I love it but I can't get another hickey, my moms gonna see them" she said looking annoyed at herself that she had to stop me. "I think it's a little late for that" I said touching the purple mark I had left on her neck. "Shit" she said. "It's okay you can put makeup on it" i replied. "It doesn't always work" she replied. "Well why should it matter, we have a kid and another one on the way, they obviously know we have done stuff like this before, it's normal Liza" I replied hugging her, as the water poured over us. "Okay" she replied pushing her lips back against mine. She washed my hair and we washed each other before getting out and drying off. Liza sat down to do her makeup as I went to wake mason who had thankfully slept in today. I turned on his lamp and walked over to him bed. "Good morning little man" I said kissing his head and stroking his cheek just like I used to do when he was a baby. He moved a little before waking up and smiling at me. "Morning dada" he said. "You wanna go see your pretty momma" I said. He nodded in return so I took him to mine and Lizas room. As soon as he saw her he ran over and hugged her as she was sitting doing her makeup. "Good morning mason" she said placing a kiss into his curly hair. "Morning mommy" he said smiling up at her. "Okay then mr lets go get dressed" I told him. We walked into his room and I got him dressed into an outfit Lizas mom and bought him. I combed his hair and then brought him back into mine and Lizas room. I sat him on the bed and gave him his I pad to play with for a while. I walked over to Liza as she was trying to hide the obvious hickey with her make up. "Crap" She said noticing that there wasn't really a way of hiding it as you could see it through the foundation. "Why did you have to do it so hard?" She asked laughing at me. "Because I know that's the way you like it" i replied. "Okay dobrik, no giving me hickeys for at least a month" I said to him. "Are you serious, a month?" I said. "Dude you never do this it's only recently you just love my neck" she replied. "I know it's so cute" I replied. "How can my neck be cute?" She asked sounding confused. "It Just is, you're pretty sexy usually, beg you're even sexier pregnant" I explained. "Okay whatever, we need to get ready we only have half an hour.

We got dressed and tidied the house once more. Before the doorbell rung. "I'll get it" liza called to me "Okay baby" I replied.

Lizas pov
I hugged my parents as they came in and we sat on the sofas. Mason had found his place on his mimis leg and my dad was playing with him. "So how have you guys been?" David asked my parents. "Great, we are super excited for our second grandchild though" they said. "They are doing just fine in here," I said resting her hands on her rounded stomach. David kissed my temple and put his arm around me. "So, Liza how've you been?" My mom asked me talking about the baby. "I mean I don't get sick anymore on mornings and I have so much more energy than before" I replied. "I'm so proud of you liza, and you David. Both of you are such amazing parents and such an amazing pair" my mom said to me. "Thanks mom" I replied smiling. "And this little boy, is going to have a little brother or sister soon" my dad said taking mason in his arms. I rested my head on David's shoulder and smiled at how lucky I am.
Does anyone want a drink?" I asked getting up. "Coffee please" my dad replied, "can I have some water babe?" David asked. "I'll come with you" my mom said getting up. We walked into the kitchen and I grabbed a water whilst we waited for the kettle to boil. "So what have you and David been up to other than him giving you those marks on your neck" my mom said raising her eyebrows and then laughing. I went red and tried to move my hair to cover the marks. "Dont worry about it liza, it's normal, just do not let your dad see" she said laughing. I smiled which turned into a laugh. Me and my mom were sat practically creasing before David came in. "What's going on in here?" He asked picking up his water and taking a drink. "Here he is, the man of the hour" my mom laughed. He raised his eyebrow and put his arm on my lower back.
"She kind of saw my neck" I said to him. He also blushed and looked awkwardly at my mom. "It's okay Dave, I know you're keeping her in good hands" my mon said smiling at him. "I think I just love her a little too much" he replied kissing my head. "I know, you treat her right" my mom replied. "Indeed he does" I said looking up at him. "Okay guys stop the mush, let's take this coffee to your dad Liza" she said walking in between us. We laughed and I grabbed a juice pouch from the fridge to give to mason. We walked into the living room and my mom gave my dad his coffee and I gave mason his juice pouch before pulling him onto my knee.
We talked with my parents for the rest of the day before they left to go back home.

It got to masons bedtime and we put him down before cuddling together and later going to bed after a pretty good day.

This was pretty shit ngl, thanks for reading anyways, suggestions in comments please!!! I'm running out!

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