Chapter twenty four- david?

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December 5th 2020
2 years 8 months
1 month pregnant
Lizas pov
I woke up sick as per usual and also as usual David came chasing after me, making sure I was okay. The spell lasted around twenty minutes before I went back to bed which was probably where I was going to stay for the day. David woke up mason and brought him to me before we all snuggled up to each other for a while. "Feeling any better?" David asked after about half an hour. "A little I guess" I replied. He kissed the side of my head. "Shall I go get some ginger stuff from the store?" He asked knowing ginger helps with the sickness. "Would you?" I asked him knowing he is actually that sweet. "Yeah of course babe" he said. "God I love you" I said kissing him. "Should I take mason?" He asked. "No, he's being super cuddly and I love it" i replied looking down at mason as he was snuggled into me. "You sure?" David asked. "One hundred percent" I replied. "Okay" he replied. He pulled on a hoodie and his jeans and then grabbing his phone and wallet. "I'll see you soon I love you" he said kissing mine and masons heads. "Bye, we love you too" I replied.
Me and mason just stayed in bed for a while. I started to feel better so we went downstairs and got breakfast. David took just about forever as I though he was going to the local store but I think he actually went to target. I text him a few times but David being David, he didn't answer.
After around an hour I got kind of concerned. I tried to call him a few times until he finally picked up. "Hey David?" I asked. "Hello, are you mrs dobrik?" An unfamiliar person asked. "Uh no I'm liza koshy, David's fiancée" in replied. "I'm really sorry to tell you this but mr Dobrik had been in a car accident. He has a few severe injuries, we suggest you come to the hospital right away" the person, who must be a doctor said. "Okay thank you" I said as tears ran down my face. Mason was playing on the floor but obviously crying and ran over. "Mommy sad?" He asked looking confused and a little sad himself. "No baby I'm okay" I replied scooping him up and kissing his head. "I love you mommy" he said hugging me. "I love you too baby" i replied. I then took my phone back out and FaceTimed Kristen. After the second ring she picked up. "Hey Li- omg what's wrong?" She asked seeing the tears still falling from my eyes. "D-David's in H-hospital and I don't know what to do" I said completely loosing it again. "Oh my god what happened?" She asked quickly. "He got into a car accident but other than that I know nothing" I replied. "Okay bring mason over here and go see him" she demanded I nodded. "Thank you so much Kristen" I replied still in complete shock and sadness. I ended the call and cried again. I just can't believe that David is in hospital. I got mason into the car and drove extremely quickly to kristens. I kissed mason goodbye and handed him over to Scott who was waiting at the door. I then got back into the car and drove a good twenty miles over the limit to the hospital. When I got there I ran to the front desk and for the room David was in. I went up in the lift which felt like it took an eternity but finally I found David. As soon as I saw him laying there, I rushed to his side. "Oh my god David" I said as I sat down on a chair next to him and burst into tears again. I held his hand to my lips and just cried. "Hello, you must be miss koshy?" The doctor said as he walked in. I nodded and wiped the tears from my face. "So at the minute David is asleep, we have him a drug so that he could sleep and wouldn't be in pain. He has a fracture on his leg and a mild concussion as far as we are aware so he will be a little confused when he wakes up but he will be alright and get better. I'm here is you or David need anything at all, just push the buzzer and I will come to you guys" he explained. "Thank you" I replied as he left. "David I love you so much please wake up soon I need you" I said to him.

After about half an hour had passed of me mostly talking to david as he lay lifelessly. I pushed some of his hair out of his face and kissed his forehead. My hand was linked in his the whole time. As I looked at his pale face, his eyes begun to twitch. He slowly opened then and looked over to me confused. "Liza, what's going on?" He asked. Tears fell down my face again and I wrapped him in a hug. "Baby why are you crying?" He asked studying my face. I couldn't answer because I didn't know. I felt happy that he was awake, sad because he's going to be in pain and almost every other emotion under the sun.
"I'm okay baby" he said as I still gripped his hand. "I was so scared" I said. "I'm sorry baby" he said squeezing my hand. "What even happened?" I asked drying my tears. "I was just driving and a car cake spinning into me and I'm not really sure from there" he explained. "The doctor said you have a fracture on your leg and a concussion" I told him. He nodded and looked down at the bandage on his leg. "I'm so sorry Liza" he said to me looking down still. "Dave, what are you sorry for it wasn't your fault" i said. "I was already feeling shit for how sick and bad you were feeling and now I will barely even be able to help you for like six weeks" he said. "I know you want to help me though and that's why I love you so freaking much" I replied kissing his head. "I love you too" he replied. We spent minutes staring into eachothers eyes before the doctor returned. "Ah david you're awake" the doctor said as he came in. "How are you feeling?" The doctor asked. "My leg hurts quite a lot but other than that I feel fine" David replied. "Pain in your leg out of 1-10?" The doctor asked. "Five maybe" David replied. "Okay and any headaches or feeling sick?" Asked the doctor "uh no i feel fine" David answered. "Okay, in that case we'll put a plaster cast on your leg, give you some crutches and you can go" The doctor said. David nodded and sat up carefully. "You sure you're fine?" I asked as the doctor left. "Yeah I'm just aching a little which is normal after being in a car accident probably" he said. "Okay, I love you" I said kissing his cheek. The doctor entered with all the stuff for David's plaster cast. It took about fifteen minutes to be put on and dried, the doctor then gave David his crutches and made sure they were the right night before we were allowed to go. Obviously David's Tesla wasn't there to get in as it had been toed to a garage so we got into my kinda boring car. David has never had to use cruches before so he was having a bit of a struggle along with being in a fair bit of pain still. "You good?" I asked running my hands through his hair as we put our seatbelts on. "Yeah I guess" he replied, "who's looking after mace?" He asked. "Kristen and Scott" I replied "you wanna go get him?" I asked. "Yeah, it's only been a little while but I miss him" he replied. I nodded and we drove to Kristen and Scott's house. I put his favorite songs on my phone as we drove to make him feel a little happier.
We got to kristens and Scott's house about ten minutes later, I helped David our of the car and he hobbled to the door with his crutches. "Oh Jesus David" Kristen said as she opened the door with Kiera in her arms. "I know right" I replied. Kristen moves aside and we went in I helped David set down and Scott came from downstairs with mason in his arms. As soon as mason saw David he ran to him. David picked him up and hugged him, groaning in pain as he did it. "Are You okay?" I asked. "Yeah I'm just aching a little" he replied.
Even though I've asked David about a million times how he is or if he's okay I know he's completely lying. I know that he is putting on a brave Face and is actually in a hell of a lot of pain but he won't admit it. We stayed at Kristen and Scott's for a while, David was telling them about the accident which actually nearly made me cry because I could have lost my best friend. After a while though, we did go home. For the rest of the day we cuddled on the couch watching movies and letting David rest. He was putting on a brave face the whole time which I knew was super hard for him as he is generally quite soft and emotional when you get to know him. I know today has been super hard for all of us so we had an early night too. I snuggled up to David closer than ever as we went to sleep. I never want to be anywhere near loosing him again.

I mean it was kind of what people were asking for but idk keep leaving names and suggestions , I'm loving them 💕💕

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