Chapter fifty one- home

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July 17th 2021
3 years 3 months
5 days
Lizas pov
I woke up to Isabella screaming and a shirtless David trying to get her to stop whist rocking her. I looked over at the clock, 3am. "Sorry, I think she's hungry" he said handing her over to me. "It's okay" I said tiredly. I fed Isabella before David took her again and rocked her back to sleep. He kissed my head and then went back to the sofa bed to also get more sleep. After a few minutes I was asleep too.
Isabella woke us both up again at 6am, which we decided to just get up considering there's no chance we will be getting any more sleep today. "Dave help me to the bathroom please" I said to David who was editing. As soon as I said it he jumped up and came round helping me. "Does it still hurt?" He asked me "Yeah, but it's better" I replied. "I'm so proud of you" he said to me. "Thanks" I replied kissing his cheek. He kissed my cheek again before we got to the bathroom. I went in and peed which hurt pretty bad still. I then washed my hands and opened the door to see David waiting for me "Uber awaits" he joked "honestly if I could get an Uber to my bed, I would" I replied laughing. He kissed my head and held my hand as we walked pretty slowly back to the bed.
After about an hour had passed, Emma came in. "Hey guys how you doing?" She asked "I mean, Izzy is great" I replied "aw, I know it's rough having to stay here for so long I can imagine you guys are missing your own beds a hell of a lot" she said I agreed and so did David. "Okay, well I'm just going to have a check over you and Isabella and then maybe if you are both as you should be you might be able to go home" she said I exchanged looks of happiness with David. She first went over to Isabella and took her weight, heart rate and she also checked over a few other things. "Her weight has gone down a little but that is often the case, but she is perfect as always so now your turn" she said turning to me. She checked me over and checked everything you know,  down there. "Okay so" she said rolling the rubber gloves off her hands and throwing them into the bin. "Everything is looking pretty good and just the way it should be, you are probably going to be in quite a lot of pain for probably the next couple days but just take pain killers just like you have been here and you should be okay to go home" she said. David walked over and kissing my head "finally" I said relaxing after being kinda tensed up from waiting for the news. "I'll get the discharge papers and you guys just get ready to go" she said walking out. "Yes yes yes!" I said pulling David into a hug. "Wow were going to have to look after two kids when we get home" he said looking a little overwhelmed. "We're going to be fine, we were doing okay when mace was coming to visit" i replied "I suppose so" he said hugging me again. He walked over to Isabella and picked her up "you're going to get to see your home" he said to her. "I think your mommy might have forgotten what our home looks like because she's been stuck here but we have you so it makes it a hundred percent worth it" he said to her. "Dave stop being so cute" I said getting up and kissing Izzy's head. "Can you put her into her going home outfit?" I asked David "Yeah, Uh which one is it?" He asked me "Are you serious?" I asked him raising an eyebrow "no?" He said not wanting to annoy me I shook my head and laughed a little at him "it's the flowery long sleeved shirt with the light purple overalls" I told him "oh yeah I remember now" he replied. I rolled my eyes and laughed at him. I then got dressed to go home also and we packed up all of our things into the bag I had brought. "Babe I cant change her she's crying so much" David said giving up. "Stop being grumpy" I said lightly pushing him out of the way. He sat on the bed, folding his arms like a little kid "aw come on don't be like that" I said as I put the shirt and then the overalls on Isabella. After I had done it, i put her on the bed and then walked over to wear David was at the other end. "Why are you in a mood" I asked running my hands through his hair "I'm not" he said grumpily. "Ooo someone needs a nap" I said laughing at him. "What will make you happy again" I asked him again like he was a kid "a kiss" he replied smirking. I placed my lips on his and ran my fingers through his long hair as he rested his arms on my waist. "David!" I said as he kissed me more deeply "what?" He replied innocently "someone could walk in at any second!" I replied. "Was It not a really good kiss though?" He asked me "Yeah it was" I replied "you're cute" he said looking at my face with love "you too" I replied. "Okay guys, so here are the discharge papers just sign here and you are free to go" Emma said distracting us from each other. I signed them and we made our way out.
I held David's hand tightly as we walked through the hospital. He was carrying Izzy in his other hand and we went into the elevator "are you ready to see your home?" David asked Izzy as we went to the ground floor.
We soon got to the car and David strapped Izzy into her car seat checking it over and over to make sure she was going to be safe, I sat in the front along with David and we drove home, David drove extremely slowly since he was trying to keep Isabella safe. "Babe you know you can go a little faster" I said laughing a little and looking in the mirror at a car who was beeping at us and how slow we are going "I want to keep her safe" he replied "just go a little faster please bubba" I said he drove a little faster but was still pretty slow.
We soon arrived at Kristen and Scott's to pick up our first baby. David got out and knocked on the door as I waited in the car.
David came back with an excited mason in his arms and all of his stuff. David put him into his seat and he kicked his legs excitedly "Mommy coming home!?" He asked excited. "Yeah and your little sister" I said "mommy and Bella!" He said excited again.
When we got home, I crashed on the sofa since walking to the car and then from the car to home is the most exercise I've done in about five days. David brought in Izzy and mason followed me in. He crawled up onto the couch and snuggled into me. He lay his head on my chest, which kinda hurt since I'm breastfeeding but it was super cute so I just let him, I ran my fingers through his cute curls and put my other arm over him. I looked over at David and he was taking pictures of us "omg Dave I have no makeup on" I said covering my face. "You look perfect I promise" he said still taking pictures "daddy no pictures" mason scowled at David. I laughed at how bossy my son was and how much like me he was "that's you told" I said to David "I know right" he said putting his phone in his pocket and putting his hands up as if he was surrendering. I laughed and he took Izzy out of her car seat holding him to her chest. "Look at our little family" I said admiring David and Izzy and mason laying on my chest. "Goals" david laughed. This was one of the best moments in life. When I have my best friend/ fiancé to joke around with and my two babies to love and be the cutest in the whole world. The three loves of my life, David, mason and Isabella.

Woo another chapter

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