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I arrived at Jazz's house to escort her to the church. Her mum and Willow and fellow bridesmaids were there, fluffing out her dress and keeping her calm. It was the first time I'd met her best friends and I liked them all straight away. My breath was taken away when I saw her.

'You look beautiful.' I gushed, kissing her cheek. Everyone looked so stunning. My little niece was in a miniature version of my lilac dress, clutching her basket of flowers. 'How do you feel?'

'Nervous!' She giggled.

'You'll be fine.' I assured her. I wasn't too sure for myself. Dan had text me moments before, saying he was on his way. Part of me had imagined him not showing up. But in just a few minutes I would see him. And I was incredibly excited.

Jazz was in the car with her dad and the rest of us in a car behind. The church was a three hour drive away in Cornwall. It was where Jazz and Jason had met years ago while on holiday with their parents. I was so happy and anxious all at once. It all went in a blur of flowers and veils and long lacy trains. I walked down the aisle with Willows hand in mine, with Jazz's fiancé Jason standing with Max in matching suits, waiting for us at the alter. I had glanced around quickly to find Dan but hadn't spotted him yet.

I took my place at the front and was over come with pride. The church was full of Jazz's friends and family. I couldn't help but think that if it was me getting married there would've been no one here a year ago. But everything was different now. And then, I found him towards the back. He looked awfully smart in his suit and tie. He gave me a small wave and a massive smile.

I was so glad I'd been able to play a part in my sisters wedding and the day had gone perfectly. Once they exchanged vows and rings and the confetti was thrown, it was time for the reception. We were all transferred in cars a further hour away to our own rented holiday village, right by the beech. It was a lovely sunny day and the beeches we passed were all white sands and great crashing waves. I'd managed to catch ten minutes sleep before we arrived and it was straight into our own private bar, all done up in lilac and lined with flowers.

In all the buzz and excitement I still hadn't been able to actually greet Dan. I was sat at the top table and he was with the other bridesmaids partners at the table in the middle. I felt his eyes watching me the entire time and I tried to avoid his gaze. It wasn't until after the speeches and toasts and the amazing dinner, during the first dance, that he finally managed to grab me. He threw his arms around my shoulders and squeezed me.

'You look amazing.' He said, making my cheeks turn red.

'You don't scrub up too bad either.'

'Are you allowed to drink now your bridesmaids duties are done?'

'Oh yes!' I laughed. I had no idea why I thought we'd find it difficult to talk. We'd both got up to so much in the months since we'd last spoken that it was hard to fit it all in without seeming like we were ignoring other guests and the fact that it was a wedding. I caught Jazz grinning at me and she gave me a wink as she danced with her new husband.

The night went on and everyone was up dancing. I had Max sat on my hip and Willow dancing with Dan as we partied away. It was so cute to see Dan with my niece, he seemed to be a natural, making her giggle and throwing her around. I'd never been to a wedding before but it seemed that this one was successful. And then one by one people were leaving and the dance floor emptied. I felt a bit lost when the kids were taken home by their grandparents. And then, as if the DJ knew, My Heart Will Go On began playing. Dan rolled his eyes.

'Would you like to dance?' He offered me his hand. I could barely contain my giggles. His arm was wrapped around my waist and I held his other hand in mine as we swayed to the music. I rested my head against his chest where I could feel his heart beating. It felt as though we were the only people in the room. Or maybe I was just very drunk. I had so much I wanted to say to him but right then was not the time. I didn't want to end the night with a heavy conversation.

Jazz had gone off with her new husband to the sound of cheers and whistling. I kissed her goodbye and congratulated her and my brother in law. My family just kept on getting bigger! Dan and I continued to dance and drink together, him twirling me around and showing me his awful moves. I spent most of the night in stitches, having an amazing time.

Then the lights were turned on and the DJ began to pack up. And I wasn't being paranoid anymore, we were literally the last ones standing. I glanced at the watch on Dans wrist. It was two in the morning. And suddenly I felt very tired. I was trying to cover my yawning, but Dan noticed.

'Bed time.' He declared. We left the little bar where reception was held and headed, arm in arm, to the group of houses that were all ours for the night. There was half a dozen, each with five bedrooms, living room and kitchen. 'Where are we staying?' He asked. Because he was coming as my plus one, we'd automatically been bunked together. I pointed to a house on the right. All our things would've been put in there already along with the other four couples we'd be sharing with.

I let us in with the key I'd been entrusted with earlier and we both agreed how amazing this place was. It was just a normal home, as if someone lived there. The cupboards were stocked with food, the fridge full of beer and rows of DVDs and films. And we could just hear the waves crashing against the rocks in the distance.

'I'd love to live somewhere like this.' I sighed as I poured us each a glass of water. My shoes had been discarded across the kitchen and Dan had loosened his tie. We leaned against the kitchen counters opposite one another. I still couldn't believe he'd come and we were both here right now.

'Remember we were gonna do that? We were gonna run away and live by the sea.' We each smiled at the memories of the plans we'd made. I held back another yawn. 'Lets go sleepy head.' He lead the way up stairs and we found our room. I collapsed face down onto the double bed, not even bothering to remove my dress. I heard Dan chuckle and kick off his shoes. He lay down beside me, one arm behind his head and the other resting gently on my back, his fingers tracing my shoulder blades. I could only ignore how nice it felt for a minute before I turned on my side to face him, snuggling into him and draping my arm over his waist. I held my tongue, all the words I had wanted to say earlier still bursting to be said. And before I knew it, we were fast asleep.

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