Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own any Characters of the story, Veronica Roth owns ALL characters

I wake up to the sound of an alarm clock going off. I groan and slam the silence button. I grab my clothes and head to the shower. When I'm done in the shower, I start to get dressed. I'm wearing a black tank top with the words 'Forgive Me' on it. I put on my ripped skinny jeans and black Converse. I start to do my makeup which consisted of foundation, powder, winged eyeliner, and red lipstick.

I head downstairs to see my family. My brother got transfered to Erudite High. Both my Parents Came from Abnegation High. Each school has certain colors, so Caleb wears Blue, my parents wear grey (even though they don't go there, you still wear those colors), and I wear black.

I grab my keys and head out to my black Ford truck. I listen to my favorite song “While I'm Alive” by STRFKR. I live about 3 minutes away so I only have time to listen to that song. I find a parking spot and look out my window. This place is Huge! I get out and bump into a girl in a black dress, heels, and a sweater. “Sorry,” I say as I look at her outfit then her face. She has brown hair and mocha skin. “It's fine, but I'm Christina, and you are?” I don't like my name. Beatrice isn't right for a place like this. “I'm, um, Tris,” I say as if I'm in a hurry, even if I'm not. “Nice to meet you Tris,” she says cheerfully. “Do you know where I can get my schedule?” I say looking at my shoes. “No I don't, but I'm going with my friends Will and Al, you can come with us if you'd like. We're all new here anyways,” she says motioning to the boys I'm guessing she was talking about.

“Okay that wo-,” but she starts dragging me to Will and Al before I can finish. As we get there a boy on a motorcycle pulls up in the parking lot. I ignore it and start to talk to Will and Al. They're both really nice and I want to be their friend. “I forgot my phone I'll be right back,” I say.

I turn around and slam into a guy who has dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. I stare into his eyes, until he pushes me. “Watch it stiff, I don't want people thinking that I'd actually talk to someone like you,” he say harshly like nails ripping into your skin. “I, uh-,” I stop and just look down at my feet and walk to my truck. On my way to my truck, I turn around and watch that guy stare at me, so I just look away. I grab my phone and head back to Christina and the boys. “Who was that?” “I don't know, but he looks like trouble,” she says warning me. “C'mon, let's go get our schedules.”

We walk to the office to find a pale, tattooed woman looking at the screen on her computer. “Hello I'm Beatrice Prior, I need my schedule,” I say quietly hoping nobody caught my real name. The woman looks in a drawer and pull out a paper with my schedule.

First Hour: Science

Second Hour: Math

Third Hour: P.E.


Fourth Hour: Social Studies

Fifth Hour: Art

Sixth Hour: L.A.

Study Hall

After everyone gets their own schedule, we exchange them to see what classes we in with each other. I have Art and Math with Christina, L.A. with Will, and Gym with Al. I head to my locker, and open it. I grab my books for my first 3 classes, and close my locker. When I close it I see that Guy from earlier, what's his name, Four. He stares at me and I don't look at him, I look at my shoes. “Whatever Stiff,” he says then slams his locker and walks away. I head to my Science Class. That was weird.

I sit in the back row in the corner so I don't draw to much attention to myself. Two girls in front of me look at me. “Hi, I'm Marlene, and this is Lynn,” a blond haired girl says. Lynn has a shaved head. “I'm Tris,” I say quietly. They turn back around and talk to each other. I notice that Four walks in and looks for an open seat. The only one there was right next to me.

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