Chapter 4

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"W-who? Who saved me, Dale" Asked Ella with a shivering voice.

She was grateful that someone saved her but the thought of someone getting implicated with her made her worry for that person.

"Let us not bother about your savior, dear. He can take care of himself very well. I have a message for you. I met a close associate in market just few moments ago and came to know that his master needs fresh wholesome goods in bulk so I told my associate about you." Ella was stunned beyond belief at what Dale said.

She didn't know how to feel about the good opportunity that knocked her door. Should she take it? Could she believe him? Could she believe in herself?

She was quite popular for having foul luck; how come things are turning out better for her suddenly is a mysterious and chilling question that was plaguing her mind.

"Dale, how can I – " Ella started to protest not knowing how to take in these sudden turn of events.

"Before you object let me tell you that his master is an atheist and a nonbeliever of fallacy. So do not concern yourself about it. It is in your advantage that you don't need to travel to the market everyday and stand in the sun for long while. I would be coming here every day or once in every two days to take the goods." Ella was glad that there is a little benefit to her and she's also happy that the master is a nonbeliever of blind faith.

"The master known to be the kindest person to treat even his servants with the considerate respect." He continued seeing Ella in quiet in her thoughts.

Ella immediately was overwhelmed by the kind master's personality and thoughts even though he was wealthy. She liked how the master thinks about people.

"The master seems to be a good person to think so kind of people." Ella smiled at Dale and he returned the smile.

Dale was pleased that he could help this innocent kind child who has seen many evils of the arbitrary society. He was satisfied that he is playing a role in changing Ella's life for better and taking a first step to change the vision of blind culture.

"Yes. I have your basket inside my carriage and I will hand them over to the master now. I will be returning for next harvest in two days." Dale informed and leaves from there with a slight bow.

Ella wasn't sure why he was helping her. She was suspicious but she's also know that Dale means good for her.

Ella hoped that this little change in her life stays that way but little did she know that the change just started and it will get better from then on.


Ella was not a fan of smiling from when her happiness was crushed four years ago. She's always afraid of smiling, scared that it would be snatched away from her. But that day when Dale came to pick up her second harvest, she allowed herself to smile a little.

She smiled a little when Dale passed on a small pouch of coins.

Ella was happy that she can repair her cabin now and a hand fan.

"Ella, Ella. Have you heard of the recent gossip going around? It set the whole Northern Province into haunt." Gode, yelled on top of her lungs and took a seat next to Ella on her small wooden cot.

"Oh Gode, I only get to know the gossips from you. How would I know what happened in the town?" Ella took a small piece of cloth and tied three coins in it. She repeated the same again; she divided the coins and tied them in small pieces of cloth.

"A man was found hanging to the roof of town meeting hall and was covered with many hideous bloody bruises." WHAT? Ella got a little scared hearing the dreadful news.

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