Chapter 38

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Knox couldn't believe his ears when his daughter called him by his name in an expressionless tone. He was at the least expecting her to feel relived meeting him in private but all he got was cold welcome from her.

Why was she behaving like that?

"Mr. Garrick?" Knox questioned back and narrowing his eyes towards Blythe who was standing there in her usual polite manner of a servant.

"Are you calling your father by his name, Blythe?" Blythe's inexpressive face did not give him any settling feeling. He was furious at himself also at the Lord who seemed to be the reason behind his daughter's stoic conduct.

"I suggest you to leave from here before I am forced to follow that rules and tell my master that a stranger has broke into the mansion." Blythe's head was hanging low and her hands were folded in the front in a courteous manner while her voice was straight and low.

Blythe did not even flinch at her raging father. She had learnt her lesson well and good and she was not about to make another mistake and endure the pain of punishment. She was expected to be a wooden doll that has to do everything her master, the Lord, ordered her to and she would be precisely what she was expected to be.

She came to her senses and she would never do something that the Lord could get his hands on her. She was there in the Knights mansion to serve the Lord and Lady and she would do just that.

Making any feud with the Lady that Lord Knight clearly love so much will land her life into much more than a trouble. Lady Ella was her employer also the owner of her life. That is what it matters to her.

"Blythe, my sweet daughter, what has ever happened to you?" Knox's voice was loud and fraught. He looked at his daughter with desperation swirling in his heart.

"I am extremely apologetic, Mr. Garrick, but I am no one's daughter. I am Blythe and I am functioning under Lord Knight's employ. You need to leave." Her tone was cold like the biting breeze of winter.

Knox took an infuriated breath trying to wrap around his mind that his daughter was clearly trapped in the webs of Lord Knight forever. He could see it in her eyes and in her stance that she was not herself and would possible never be the old Blythe he always knew.

"Alright, I will leave. But before leaving, please, please tell me what you know about the Lord. Help me telling what you know about him and one day I will positively set you free from him, my daughter." Knox nothing but begged his daughter for assistance.

Blythe raised her head a little and looked at her father for good few moments blankly, "Stay away from him. Do not rattle the beast, Mr. Garrick. The only time you would be safe and breathing freely was when you are out of the Lord's reach. Now leave." She answered what she could. She couldn't say anything about the Lord. It will bring her and her father into hands of the Lord and she knows what would happen then.

Knox looked at his daughter's face one last time and jumped out from the balcony with a cold determination to know what exactly the Lord was.

His daughter was a strong person, too much of a strong person and the Lord had effortlessly broke her and mended her into his liking.

He has to do something. Time has come to find Orla. She had once helped him with her knowledge in becoming a powerful man. Though he couldn't yet complete the catalogue of rituals, he had to find the witch Orla and get her to help him in taking down the Lord.


Lord Knight was feeling nothing but joy from past few months from the moment his love has become his wife. He thoughts were always filled with idea of making her happy and contented also provide with everything she always deserved.

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