Chapter 42

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"I have an inkling of how you all must be feeling for having filth as your Lady of Honor." Knox presented his deep concern before tens of Shadowvalor residents. "Perhaps this was what we get from showing mercy and kindness to a wench." Knox earned earnest nods from the villagers.

If he was testing the blind belief of the town towards him, then he was doing just right.

No doubt the town were so blind to see his vicious self motives.

"We are still quite astonished to reason out why Lord Knight would take her as his wife." The villagers voiced out their displeasure, mostly envy that Ella succeeded to ensnare a Lord as her husband and dancing over their head with power.

What were they supposed to do when 5he Lord himself was so smitten by her?

Words do travel fast. The word that the Lord had given the power of looking over the affairs of the whole Knights castle has travelled fast from mouths.

Its was also heard that the cold and beastly Lord has nothing but proven to be a love struck fanatic who couldn't help grin whenever he looks at his wife.

The town couldn't yet comprehend how in the name of almighty the Lord would go for Ella and what had he ever seen in her to pursue her in a good marriage no less. Supposedly a love marriage.

"But we have nothing we can do, yes Town head?" The question made by one of the enraged young maiden hung in the room, resonating the suspension in everyone's mind.

"Not if we have her dead." Knox suggested stealthily. Killing Ella was not an easy task when she has the Lord and the guards protecting her every moment. He needs the town help to distract and send the Lady to hell for making him and his daughter suffer.

By now Knox already understood one important fact that the Lord has his heart and life wrapped around Ella's fingers and the only way to break him and make him like he wanted was by killing Ella.

Killing two birds with one stone.

"But Mr. Garrick, There is not a way to eliminate her, now do we?" A villager expressed in displeasure. Displeasure regarding the fact that a girl whose life they destroyed so with ease has been nothing but a puppet in their hands has now had so much power over them not to forget she could destroy them with a snap of her fingers.

"There is. There is nothing impossible if we held hands jointly and toil on it as one." Knox reassured the crowd thinking of plans to get Ella alone.

"I guess you are right, Town head. But there is another issue currently haunting us. Our burnt houses!" Knox still couldn't comprehend how the town was burnt. After long time of facing odds of floods, Knox did not prepare for fire to burn their new establishments.

Though there was his evil interference with the floods that swept the towns and villages, he did not understand why and how the houses were burnt.

Knox couldn't help but suspect everything around him now that the revelations he was encountering were beyond his outlook.

Was it natural disorder or was it something intentional?


"And he gave you this ring after he kissed your under the magic of full moon?" Gode asked Ella for the twentieth time looking at the large ruby stone sitting elegantly on the platinum band. If this was not an ideal fantasy romance then Gode doesn't know what was.

Ella nodded her head with red color tinting her cheeks. She did not expect her husband to kiss under the magic of moonlight and gift her with the valuables of ruby.

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