Chapter 26

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It was not true.

He – He cannot possibly be the Lord!

Ella's eyes widen at the powerful man who was sitting so majestically on the throne, looking every inch of a breathing danger. His eyes were dark emitting wild fire but the smirk on his lips was camouflaging the menace lurking inside him.

Was he even the same person she saw the previous night? Was he even Xander, he claimed to be?

Waves of fear hit her when the Lord's smirk widened at the shocked faces of the villagers.

"My Lord?" Town head was confused as to what the Lord was citing at. The villagers looked appalled equally. But amidst all this the only person who did not understand the situation was Ella.

"O – One more ritual, My Lord?" Knox knew better than to not question a Lord, not Lord Knight particularly. His face paled when the Lord drew an eyebrow upwards looking at the audacity of talking before a Lord with no requisite respect.

"Knox Garrick, a town head in my region. I am quite impressed you have a impudence to raise an octave." Lord Knight chuckled darkly sending ripples of terror in to the villagers and Knox.

Knox paled and his body stiffened in the immense power the Lord's words carried. He felt like his whole body and senses were in the control of the Lord. Dark eerie fog started swirling around the room with every moment Lord Knight's eyes darken. The amused smirk was still present on his lips but his eyes were speaking volumes.

He did not like to be questioned.

"Lyndon, - "The Lord called for his butler but his eyes were fixed on the shivering Ella. His breath hitched when Ella raised her head and looked into his eyes with tears. There was something in her eyes that he did not like in them. Fear.

Fear of him.

Lyndon nodded his head and walked to the other side of the room. A moment later, he brought in a person who was in church clothes.

"My Lord, the priest is here." Lyndon announced and stepped back bowing to the Lord. Lord Knight nodded his head pleased and stood up clearing his throat.

"You all must be wondering why I had summoned you all to the court room all of a sudden." Lord Knight stepped down from the platform in a slow predator steps. The villagers face was filled with mixture of fear, confusion and apprehension. It was not the news he was going to announce that caused the anxiety but it was the Lord himself. He looked like a dark mysterious superhuman with an invisible power over others.

"The lady here, Ella Rosemane, was brought here to the Knightsfort castle with an expectation to receive consent from me to fulfill a ritual that would possibly help the raging storms." Lord Knight walked towards Ella, his head held high and his eyes inspecting the expression of everyone.

Ella's breath hitched when the Lord walked to her and took her hand in his softly and made her stand. She did not know what was going on. She was still in a shock regarding who Xander was. She was scared but somewhere deep inside her heart; she knew that the feral looking Lord cannot hurt her.

Why? She didn't know. She just has a strange reassurance whenever he looked at her. It was strange for her to give into the passion when the previous night when he merely touch her. It never happened to her that she was affected by a male's attention on her.

Then why him?

"She, as a virgin widow, should sacrifice her virtue out of a religious bond to stop the storms."The villagers and particularly Knox Garrick were paying their full attention to the Lord. Although they wanted to be anywhere but in the radar of the Lord, they were also curious to know what the Lord meant.

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