Chapter 14

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Early sun rays peeked through the window making Blythe groan in her sleep. She was not a morning riser at all. She was pampered to do as she wishes by her father and that habit of hers can be overweighed when she was in the Knight castle.

The morning at the knight castle was buzzing with activity that needs to be completed before being pointed by their master. Cooks were already making breakfast to please their master like usual. Lyndon, the butler, was going through the morning logs of accounts of tenants and the land. Lucy was preparing toiletries for Blythe and went into the guest room to wake her up.

Lucy, for one, knows how her master was pressed on punctuality and discipline was the God he worships. So, it was a common knowledge for the castle help that Lord Knight can be a ruthless when it comes to time. He likes everything in order and he maintains that rule for himself too. Lucy was particularly busy that morning because she was to escort Miss Blythe to the breakfast table in time before Lord Knight arrives and it was already too late.

"Miss. Miss Garrick, please wake up. You have a breakfast meeting with the Lord." Lucy shook Blythe's shoulder slowly in a try to wake her up. Blythe groaned and slapped the hand away which was shaking her.

Lucy stiffened and looked at the sun the was already rising from behind the mountains far away. She has a very little time to get Miss Garrick to the breakfast.

"Miss Garrick, please wake up. Lord Knight would be down for breakfast soon. Please." Lucy was getting anxious when Blythe nothing but brushed her waking call and used profanities unlike a lady.

"You scanty beggar! Move away." Blythe pushed away Lucy harshly and Lucy stumbled back on the table with a force. Blythe was furious to be woken up early in the morning when all she wanted to do was pleasure her body with the soft lush bed and satin smooth covers which she could not experience till now.

The greed to trap the Lord was becoming stronger every moment she spent there in the castle. "Go and prepare hot bath for me and scented herbs. Now" Blythe ordered with triumph, enjoying the feel of ordering people like a queen.

Blythe got up from the bed with a forged grace and draped the robe over her nightgown. Lucy escorted her to the restroom and gave her herbal powder and a stem brush to clean her teeth. In the meantime she prepared hot bath with oils and herbs.

Lucy felt thwarted by the way she was treated by Blythe. She was never treated with such disrespected in the castle ever. It was the Lord rule to respect everyone to gain respect in return so the castle always ran in a peaceful manner. Master was always particular about providing the needed freedom of thoughts and never treated people as low rank because he always considered hard work over any societal ranks.

The staffs who were working for the Lord, no doubt feared him, but also appreciated him for his moral towards them. Their respect towards him was genuine and natural. It was not because he was a master that they are working for and they are obliged to but they valued him because he earned it.

Assisting Blythe with getting bathing and dressing, she styled her hair pinning up fresh from at the side of her hair. Lucy immediately ushered downstairs to the dining room.

Blythe touched her styled hair with flower in contentment at the feel of being coddled by the Lord. Lord Knight was already sitting in the dining hall and was talking to Lyndon about the pest that was creating trouble in the locality.

"My Lord, I am so honored to tell you that you look so fine-looking this morning." Blythe curtsied with a flirty smile playing over her lips. The Lord just nodded his head and gestured her to take the opposite chair.

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