Chapter 16

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The stranger was twitching with the immense need flooding inside his body. He was getting drunk with the need he has for her. The feel of his skin touch her raw skin was producing a feral desire.

Desire to consume her.

Desire to strip her from all her shields.

Desire to have her under him panting and sweating.

He did not allow Ella to turn her head and see him for he did not want her to see him yet. He was planning a great occasion for it.

"Let me go." He heard her trying to sound stern but failed miserably.

The stranger man smiled and placed at hot searing kiss on her neck giving her a love bruise. One of his hands is fondling her treasures producing erotic sounds from her.

Ella was hazy. She could not understand why she was feeling so good despite of being touched against her will by a stranger whose face she did not see yet. She want to scold herself for feeling that way.

She was feeling right being in his arms, which she should not.

"Enjoy it, My Ella. Take the heat from me and fill it within." His whispers were so erotic that she could not do any judgment with her clouded mind.

He smelled her nape and slurped the water droplets from her skin. His hand travelled slowly on her front side of the body in a lazy vacation and stopped on her right thigh. He rubbed the skin over there delicately with his thumb and preceded it inside to her womanly cave.

The cold and freezing Ella suddenly started sweating surround by high temperature. Her throat clogged devoid of repudiation and her senses were high up on the clouds watching over her from afar.

What was she feeling? She should not feel the joy of someone else's touch on her. She was a married woman.

But... But why was she feeling so satisfied? So accomplished and so right? It felt like this was how it was supposed to be.

She was surprised that she was not disgusted with herself or with the stranger with whatever is taking place.

Was it because she was so desperate to be loved?

"End whatever thoughts you are having, darling. Follow your feelings blindly do not let your thoughts interrupt the bliss." The stranger licked her rosy cheesy and brought his thumb up to his mouth licking it thoroughly.

Ella stiffened when she realized where his thumb was and what it was doing.

Oh sacred angels, that felt so embarrassing yet... yet it felt so good.

The stranger was on his final thread of patience and the moment he tasted her desire for him, he lost it. He lost his control and the only thing that mattered was to have her bent on a large rock in the hot springs and bath her with his seeds.

He immediately pulled the cravat, unknot it and brought it in front of her. Ella was in no mind to see what was going on. The stranger wrapped the cloth around her eyes and blindfolded her preventing her from seeing his face.

"What – why - why are cov-covering my eyes." Despite the pleasure she was experiencing, her fear was still intact. She was confused and bewildered when her eyes were covered. She did not know what was going on.

"Please take this away." Ella reached out to the back of her head to untie the knot but was stopped by the pair of hands which pulled her hard towards a rocky chest, her soft sensitive breasts smothered by his hard panes of muscles.

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