Chapter 7

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What was that?

Who was that?

Is that even a human?

He was looking at her, intensely, with that demon like red eyes. Ella felt the feeling of creepiness crawling down her spine.

She was living there from four years and she was taking walks to the woods and the lake almost every day but she never did she encounter any human going across to the lake. According to the villagers, it was cursed by her, so no one would dare to go there. It was her only sanctuary.

Then who was he to come there and scare her with his intense red eyes.

"Ella, Ella," Gode shook me by her shoulder with a concerned look. "Why are you looking so pale?"

"T-There was someone a-at the lake." Ella stumbled over her words grasping lung full of air.

Ella did not want to tell her friend and worry her more than she was right then, but what she saw with her own eyes terrified her.

"There was someone at the lake? Who?" Gode asked confused placing loaves of toasted bread on a plate and handed them to Ella.

"I don't know. I saw him looking at me from the reflection in the water and he has-" Ella was stuttering words but Gode cut off her sentence saying that it must be some traveler stopping by the water to quench thirst.

But Ella knew what she saw was not too complex to explain. She wouldn't believe her and her friend would say that she must be hallucination with all the event that was happening to her.

Ella wanted to still tell her friend about the red eyed man but she held herself as she thought that she would be leaving from there in less than a day so there was no reason to worry her friend with new issues.

"Maybe." Ella answered slowly, letting the matter be.

"Alright, I came here to tell you the plan I came up with." Gode said rubbing her hands in excitement and Ella nodded her head for her to continue.

"Right at the midnight when the eclipse is halfway through, go to lake and cross it to the other side. There you will find a horse, ride it and cross both the Yorkcoln slopes and eastern mountains and –"

"Eastern mountains? But Gode, it takes two continuous days and nights to cross Eastern Mountains!" Ella gasped. She knew that she couldn't afford to stop and rest but if she is riding a horse then she must stopped several times and give her ride a little rest and food.

What if she gets caught while resting? What if someone from the places around recognizes her then it would be a disaster.

"True and you are taking rest over nights too. Do not worry; while you were going to the eastern side I had already arranged few hints about you to lead the villagers to the southern region. So you can get away without any fret. Entering into the Eastern region, my farthest cousin, Adam will be already waiting for you at the border river. Fret not he is a good person; he will lead you to a cornered small village, Newdenn. He arranged a small cabin for you near to their house and you will be staying there until end of winter and see if you can prolong your stay there for few more seasons." Gode said in one breath.

It was a good escape arrangement, Ella agreed. Staying in a closed and cornered village will be good for her and Ella was so grateful for her best friend to take up such risk and effort to save her.

She felt so lucky to have Gode as her friend and if there come a day that her friend needs any help then she would be there for her through thick and thin.

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